Blogathon/Walkathon Update

Sep 14, 2007 23:56

Thank you to everyone for coming through and fulfilling your Blogathon pledges for the Aids Committee of Toronto. I far exceeded my goal -- in fact, the current total donations is $1800.05! WHOOOOO!!!!

The walkathon portion of this double-header fundraiser is this Sunday, so if by chance you still haven't made your donation -- or just found this journal recently and would like to support ACT -- you can still make a secure online donation via credit card at My ACT donation page.

In other news, one of the Early Bird Prize winners doesn't want her prize, so this evening I put the names of everyone who sponsored me into a hat and drew a new name. The winner: jule1122! Congrats, Juliet! I'll be mailing your Pride-themed prize pack some time this week!

Thank you so so much to everyone for your generous support, both financial and emotional! I'll be back early next week with photos from the walkathon. :D
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