For anyone who was a part of the FFXI importer community back in the day, they remember all the fun and drama that was had on I can't remember how many threads got closed from the hosings that were constantly slung back and forth. Nowadays, things have turned rather bland. It's definitely not what it used to be. But that doesn't mean we can't relive it.
In order to preserve the memories of the glory days before all the old threads somehow get lost in the internets forever, I've been archiving some of the classic FFXIOnline threads so that they may be enjoyed forever.
Title: Subjob Level Contest! [Ed. - Heavily filtered to avoid useless posts]
First Post: December 5th, 2003
Who on rag has the most retarded subjob/level??
Start your /sea now!
Some retard was going around with a mnk/blm...
oh wait, that was me.
Extreme (aka Celeras):
Just saw your sig seulg, nice try
[Ed. - This is in reference to our signatures which list our jobs and levels. I believe my sig was undermining his total number of levels. Let the pissing contest begin!]
Nice try? It pwns j00.
The Midg:
(Quoting Seulgaist - Some retard was going around with a mnk/blm...
oh wait, that was me.)
What you talking about you could like cast blind once! You pwned. Either way it's better than those 50 level af DRK you leveled XD
Correction: Blind twice followed by Bind and Poison. PWNAGE.
Extreme (aka Celeras): (Quoting Seulgaist)
Nevar!! Besides, you counted jobs under lv15:angel:
Extreme (aka Celeras):
Still short by 10 tho :sweat: Go ahead at get those 10 levels then you can put it in your sig. I dont play much anymore so shouldnt be hard to catch XD. Never said it was unbeatable.. i just said beat it.
[edit] actually, your short 11. Re-counted
Your levels are still spread over 3 different characters. As far as I'm concerned, I've already proven the point.
Extreme (aka Celeras):
Why does character matter, the jobs we're still leveled the same either way. So the point you proved is...
Lol i really dont care seulg, its just a sig.
I'll give you your props if thats what your looking for.. good job?
Dont Bot Play Fair (aka Arvy):
Roaddog Rdm60/rdm17 kinda old but lol
davidmmmm9 (aka Miyamotomusashi):
wow, subbing rdm for rdm, you're a genious [Ed. - Nice typo, jackass]
This proves my idea that Arvy is infact a moron. ...Oh im sorry that was everybody's idea.
Seulgaist: (Quoting Roaddog)
He has fully leveled sub.
Oh im sorry, I forgot a fully leveled subjob outweighed intelligence.
No, you both look like gimp retards, except his retardation has a up-to-date sub.
Go get another Mimic.
How about you wear the Fungus Cap for 40 more levels?
phek (aka Tigerlily):
you two kiss and make up NOW before you get the thread closed, continue your hilarious flames ingame and be sure to send me pics of the convo