VividCon: Sunday

Aug 14, 2016 23:26

I actually slept in a little (relatively speaking, at least) on Sunday morning and didn't wake up until 8am CST or so, and it was closer to 8:30am before I dragged myself out of bed. I got dressed and headed downstairs to get breakfast, and I ended up getting involved in several fannish conversations. Then I eventually made my way over to a corner to hide with my laptop and at least try to catch up on social media from the night before, since Club Vivid kept me from checking anything.

I headed back upstairs just before 10am, so that I could go to the Hamilton panel. I've already posted my notes from that earlier, so I'm not going to say much about it. It was very interesting, though, as it focused very much on the aspects of vidding for the fandom and the difficulties that vidders potentially face.

Then I headed to the con suite to sit around and talk for thirty minutes or so. Then I headed up to my room to drop of my laptop so that I could go grab some lunch. Including a salad. Because I've had basically no greenstuff all weekend, and my body was craving it.

After lunch, I headed back up for In-Depth Vid Review - which, once again, I've already posted my notes for. After that was Challenge which, once again, I've put up notes. (I took a lot of notes this year. I'm kind of impressed.)

Then I picked up my DVDs and headed up to my room to collapse. I'd gotten a decent amount of sleep the night before, but the general lack of sleep (previous nights I'd been averaging six hours) and the fact that I've been socializing a lot more than usual meant that my body was threatening to give me the headache from hell. To combat that, I downed some pain meds and took a nap for about two hours, which definitely helped.

I got up around 6:30pm and headed back downstairs, since the con suite was open until 7pm this year (which I highly approve of). After grabbing some of the leftover food and drinks, I headed back upstairs to order Chinese with deejay and
talitha78. We watched a few episodes of Marco Polo on Netflix before heading out separate ways. I gave my foodstuff and drinks to Talitha to take with her to a room party she was heading towards while I went back to my room to start packing my things.

Somewhere in there, I discovered that I was missing a pair of earrings. I have two pairs of earrings that I tend to wear together, a pair of black d20s and a pair of red d10s. They're actually what I wore on Thursday, when I was traveling. I haven't been able to find the d20s anywhere, though, which is driving me up the way. The d10s are exactly where I remember leaving them, with the rest of my earrings, so I can't figure out where in the hell the d20s could be. It would be one thing if both pairs were missing. I'd just assume that I sat them down somewhere when I took them off. But one pair? When I took all four out at the same time?

It's going to make me very sad if I can't find them. :-/

Anyway, my things are currently about 95% packed for tomorrow. The only things that haven't been packed so far are a few electronic devices that are currently charging and some toiletries that I'll need in the morning. Still no sign of those earrings, sadly.

I'm probably going to bed soon, since I want to get to the airport by 9:30am at the latest if possible. My flight out is at noon, with boarding starting around 11:30am, and I always have issues with security when flying out of O'Hare. I'd much rather get through security early and curl up in a corner somewhere with a book or my laptop than have to sprint to make my flight.

And that was Sunday.

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