I keep meaning to post to DW/LJ (or Facebook, or Tumblr, or Twitter, or anything), and then I... don't. I've completely failed at the internet the past few weeks, and I'm not entirely certain why. It's not even that I've been busy with fanfiction, or television, or video games, because I'm behind in them as well. :-/
Anyway, I'm still alive, and I'll probably be spamming everyone quite a bit over the next few hours as I try to catch up on, well, everything. Sorry?
On the job front, my stress levels at work have been fading somewhat over the past week, which is very much of the good. I'll probably make a more detailed (and locked) post about that later. I'm not 100% certain what to expect over the next few weeks, but hopefully it won't be too bad.
I let the Red Cross guilt me into donating platelets yesterday, at which point I found out why they keep calling me a ridiculous amount trying to get me to come in and donate. (No, seriously. I will bet you money that I'll get at least two calls from them in the coming week, asking if I'd think about coming in to donate just as soon I'm eligible again.) I already knew that I had a high platelet count, but apparently I'm a triple-donor (one donation from me is equal to three single donations) and my platelets replenish themselves crazily fast, to the point where I can give a triple donation, come back in after the absolutely minimum amount of time, and be able to give another triple donation without any issues.
... which, you know, great. I'm glad to help, and it's for a good cause. But it would be nice if they could try to cut back on some of the calls, and e-mails, and texts. What with it being very obvious that I donate regularly, without any prompting, if they just look at their records.
In comics-related news,
SPX was this weekend, and I spent a couple of hours there yesterday before running screaming from the crowds. (Yes, yesterday. After donating blood. Immediately after, even. I never claimed to be completely sane.) That will be getting its own post in a bit.
femslashex sign-ups are open! Decisions, decisions, decisions...
Thanks again to everyone who has bought books, DVDs, and the like from me over the past few months! As long as nothing too major explodes... *glances at car and knocks on wood* ... I should be good in the future. Things would have been a lot worse over the past few months without all of your help, though.
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