[FANART] QMi For Sale

Apr 28, 2011 15:57

Characters: Zhou Mi and Kyuhyun
Rating: G
Prompt: Perfection album

Chibis again.
And while I was doing this work, all the while coloring it, I had the idea of doing all SJM (OTPs!) members. I think that'd be totes adorbs. But, I have to honestly say that coloring using Photoshop is very very tiring. I'm thinking of switching coloring software too. Like Paint Tool SAI. a'sdkf'sdk I need to download the non-trial one though! *shakes fist*

Why QMi For Sale? Because, well, it'd be so cuuuute to have plushies like these! <3 <3

I hope ya'll like it!
(btw, cross-posting this at Tumblr - xhocoretto)

Photoshop CS3
WACOM Pentablet

pairing: qmi, !fanart, author: setsuna_k

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