[FIC] Dressing Up and Falling More In Love, ONE-SHOT

Jun 08, 2010 00:49

Title: Dressing Up and Falling More In Love
Pairing: YeWook
Rating:  PG-13 (for obvious suggestiveness and biting turtles)
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Disclaimer: I don't own the wardrobe, the turtle or even YeWook themselves. TT~TT

Summary:  It took one dress-rehearsal to make Yesung realized that Ryeowook’s a very pretty girl, and couldn’t simply get enough of him. Ddangkoma seemingly doesn’t approve. Or something.

(Prompted from Ryeowook’s attire during Chu.)


And he said he wasn’t that gay for him but Yesung knew he was far from not being too gay, especially now - much to his amazement - that Ryeowook’s running around their dorm with that big red sweater-shirt-something on, tight jeans, cute shoes and unkempt hair. Okay, so where was that part he supposedly be turning too gay? Oh, right after Heechul declared, a few days ago, they (with the exception of him, sadly) were dancing Chu for their next concert - the princess himself, Donghae, Shingdong, Hyukjae and Ryeowook.

So, imitating F(x) meant being girls.

Being girls meant dressing up.

And dressing up meant a whole new appearance Yesung never knew was perfect for Ryeowook. Well, at least except for still sporting short hair over those girly clothes. Maybe Ryeowook could wear a wig or something? Yesung thought of endless possibilities.

But he was quiet like that, calm even. Self-control, what it was. He just watched from his bed, propped on his elbow that had Ddangkoma next to him and admired the view of Ryeowook coming in and going out of their room like a tornado because, as what Ryeowook was mumbling to himself, he understood, “Where is it? Where is it? Oh, gosh. Heechul-hyung will kill me if I lose it.”

Ryeowook looked frantic and Yesung just found that too adorable. He’d be thanking his stars later because he was granted a time off with Ryeowook and everyone at the dorm was out - excluding his pet that wasn’t a celebrity like them. Maybe Ddangkoma wanted to perform too? Sing on stage, dance to Sorry Sorry or Miinah or wear girl clothes?

Which reminded Yesung that, ah, Ryeowook would be doing all of that very very soon. Excited, yes he was. But kept it cool because today was a good day and there was no need to rush getting into someone’s pant--


Did Ddangkoma just bite him?

The nasty growing marks on his arm now didn’t look so pretty and Yesung was sure those marks would stay like hickies and he was just starting to wear (and to like) sleeveless tops! What would the fans think then? Somebody got down and dirty with him and got a little rough along the way?

Wait, he kind of liked that though, on second thought. Ryeowook, under him, being all dirty and rough and-


It dug its teeth on his skin again. Yesung swore his eerie turtle could filter through human minds. What the fuckery did he get for a pet?

Then Ryeowook was in his line of vision, surprising him with his cross-dressing glory without the long tresses he was secretly wishing for. It could be anything - short, curly, blonde-ish, yellow, orange, anything would suit Ryeowook for sure.

“I know I lost a huge amount of weight ever since debut but wearing this... doesn’t seem to compliment my figure at all. I look,” Ryeowook entered their room and pulled the hem of his oversized red jacket, completely missing that fond look on Yesung on him. “Really big in this.  Hyung, what do you think? Heechul-hyung insisted this wardrobe but I’m not sure if I could really pull it off.”

Pull it off, yeah, he really liked the sound of that.

“You look fine.” Yesung assured, resisting sighing dreamily like a fangir-boy; his eyes falling down to Ryeowook’s ass when the younger stood in front of their mirror and posing like a silly dork. “Very fine.”

“Yeah, right. That sounded really sarcastic! Do I look really that horrible?” Ryeowook huffed; his reflection meeting with Yesung’s gaze who stayed on bed, beside his little turtle, looking rather enthralled with reasons which escaped him.

Yesung quietly stared at him, saw him quickly leaving and saying, “Wait, I think I know where it is! Be right back!” and when Ryeowook did return, Yesung gape like a fish and everything just jolted right at him like thunder out of nowhere at the sight of the younger wearing a wig.

And it wasn’t like a simple hair thing but it was the like the most realistic wig Yesung had ever come near to - like it just grew from Ryeowook’s scalp and shined like moon. It fell on his cheeks, his chin and over his shoulders and it flipped its ends like genuine curls. Yesung couldn’t even miss the fact that it was pigtail-styled wig Ryeowook was currently flaunting at him like a kid showing his new Lego toys.

He swallowed good, feeling his throat going dry on him. He silently observed, taking in just about everything Ryeowook was doing in front of their full-body mirror - swaying his hips, hiking up his sleeves to expose his arms or doing girly poses from Chu. Was Ryeowook trying to tease him like this? He was sure as hell he was.

“There! Do I look good now?”

“No...” came a strained reply. Soon, it was followed with Yesung reaching for him, trapping Ryeowook around his arms and flushing their bodies together in friction. Yesung could see Ryeowook so petite against him with the way his top loosened all the more, revealing his collarbone and that supple skin. He saw Ryeowook’s blushing face reflection.

Now this was rather new - watching each other in the mirror and every expression made with every touch. With the way Ryeowook squirmed in front of him when Yesung kneaded his non-existent ass with one hand and other playing with profound tresses between fingers, this was surely going to be too sinful to resist. “You don’t look good. You look sizzling hot. God, you have no idea what you’re doing to me right now.”

He snuggled his face against the exposed neck, feeling Ryeowook’s soft skin on his lips and nose and loved the way he was hearing humming in delight, as if Ryeowook was purring for him. Yesung brought his little hands to Ryeowook’s chest, watched the mirror while he seemingly grope him there, almost sure that the person flushed against him was tensing as his hand ‘cupped’ his chest.

“Too bad I don’t have breasts, huh?” Ryeowook smirked, playful as always with parted lips and half-ragged breathing. But Yesung was serious in his reflection, shaking his head and placing kisses against sensitive ear, licking those shells for good measure.

“Mm. I like you this way more. Don’t care about those dangling thing. You may be a girl right now, but I so want this flat body instead.”

“Hey! Sorry I'm as flat as a board! I tried getting muscles like you, you know?”

Yesung smirked, skilfully hoisting up the red sweater over Ryeowook’s head and marvelled that semi-toned chest, abdomen and how those tight pants wrapped themselves to those visible hipbones at the mirror; his fingers tracing lines downwards. “Don’t. You’re perfect like this. Angular and sharp like if I touch you here, “, Yesung squeezed Ryeowook’s hips. “I’ll get pricked.”

He saw Ryeowook smiling reflection, his contented response; his black locks falling across his face, to his evident cheekbones down to his chin and this was everything Yesung dubbed as sexy. And cute. So sexy and cute at the same time that he wondered how something so insanely arousing could be pulled off so easily by this Kim Ryeowook.

He didn’t think right after. He just felt it all the way like how Ryeowook captured him surprised for an open-mouth kiss, wedging a knee under his already uncomfortable crotch, squeezing his arm - just above the bruise Ddangkoma gave him - and shoving the older to bed. Quickly, Ryeowook took of his wig and never did he look so delicious right now, Yesung mused. Deliciously masculine.

It was only an inch away from falling straight on top of Ddangkoma but smart turtles like it trudged away for safety, after biting Yesung once more.



A/N: So... fluff anyone? And you wouldn’t believe how I spazzed over Ryeowook’s crossdressing during Chu~ segments because, hell, HE LOOKED SO SO SOOOO PRETTY! *fangirling* And I so have a thing with men looking so pretty in women’s clothes (and then I have a thing with women looking so manly with awesome hairtstyle - which I suppose you don’t really care, kkkk~).

And I so have a bias for Ryeowook. Like some secret admiration for him. Because every little thing he does, he's just so cute and perfect and I couldn't help but flail over how feminine he acts but how masculine he really is. ILU, YOU CROSSDRESSING DORK!

So, leave me cakes, please?

- Setsu

subject: yesung, subject: ryeowook, type: one-shot, genre: fluff, rating: pg-13, !fanfic, genre: shonen-ai/slash/bl/bromance, pairing: yewook, author: setsuna_k, genre: romance

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