[FIC] His Emotions, Wavering? , CH3

Jul 29, 2009 22:11

A/N: I’m so happy to receive such heart-warming and motivating remarks from viewers! I didn’t know that this fic would incite interests, honestly. This being my first Super Junior entry and all, it ‘s all like a dream! And OMG. I made a looong one too!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, for christs’ sake. Not unless I buy SM Entertainment then things would seriously be different. OHO!

Warning: minor cussing and BL (fluff). Yes, people! There are actions going on down there!

Without a second thought and just by reflexes, Kyuhyun dash quickly towards the tank - to where Sungmin had fallen like a boneless doll to a dangerous pit. As he took off, he forcefully pulled away the vest that had chains wrapped around him and kicked off the platform boots he had on and tossed it to god-knows-where.

“Shit, shit.” He cursed loudly - words he rarely uttered - as he saw Sungmin flapping his chained arms desperately on the waters, only to sink deeper. The waves on the water were wild for a moment then gradually turned calmed. This made Kyuhyun even more agitated. “Sungmin-hyung!”

He finally reached the tank’s opening and just as Kyuhyun was about to dive, two strong hands grabbed him by his arms and mercilessly pulled him back, causing the former to yelp at the painful grasp. He turned and screamed angrily at his unidentified captor. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”

“I’m sorry, Kyuhyun-sshi. I can’t let you jump in there. You might get hurt. Let the staff do this instead.” A man dressed in black and denims -a security staff Kyuhyun assumed- spoke monotonously; his tight grasp still at the artist’s arms and showed no signs of freeing him.


And the waters moved again; Sungmin’s head resurfaced momentarily; him gasping for air like it was his life, and sinking once again. Kyuhyun stared devastatingly, witnessing the helpless expression of his hyung drowning and no one seemed to come to his rescue. What were the staff doing?!

“GET LOST!” The magnae, with all his effort and strength, pushed the man’s hands away and shoving then punching the latter at the process, earning him from the adult a “DAMN!” He was about to be grabbed-hold-to-safety again when Kyuhyun ducked, ran to the edge and plunged into the water.

“-nd Kyuhyun-ah was like this super hero you see in the games he’s playing! He took Sungminnie’s arm and hugged him then tore off his chained-ves-

“-e tore Sungmin’s clothes?! Kyuhyun-ah’s taking his PSP games too seriously now. The boy jumped into the water like he’d do in the swimming pool!”

“I’ll say. Those two almost gave me a heart attac-

“I’m just so glad they’re safe now. I heard manager-hyung threw a fit at the dire-

My conciousness drifted on and off, unsuccessfully comprehending the conversation I was hearing from familiar voices. I tried opening my eyes but light instantly blinded me; my eyes stung awful and head throbbed like I had a bad hang-over. “Where…?” I managed to choke up with my hoarse throat.



Then I realized I was on a soft mattress, wrapped in thick blanket, naked. Slowly, I sat up and was faced with a very worried-looking Eeteuk, Ryeowook, Shindong and Heechul sitting on chairs in front of the bed I was using. Eeteuk, who looked like he was about to pass out due to extreme worrying, was the first one to come over and embraced me tightly like a mother would do to her child; my head against his tummy and his arms wrapped protectively on my head.

“Thank goodness you awoke. Don’t scare us like that again, Sungminnie.” He quietly told as his grasp tightened. “Heenim and I was about to take you out in there but the security staff stopped us, telling us that it was too dangerous.”

Ryeowook then came to view and sat on the floor with him leaning on the edge of the bed; his hand found mine and held it. Behind him stood Heechul and Shindong looking equally worried, not saying a word. “Hyung…” Ryeowook gradually broke into quiet sobs and I couldn’t help but pet his head lovingly. This younger dongsaeng had too much of a soft heart.

“I’m sorry.” I looked at my members one by one and asked for forgiveness not only for worrying them but for my past behavior that had bothered them. “Mianhe…”

“Hmph.” I turned to Heechul who had his arms crossed on his chest and seemed to be doing a semi-pout; his gaze locked with Eeteuk and Ryeowook. I knew he wasn’t upset, just worried. “Yeah, you better apologize for making Umma and the Eternal Magnae here go frantic like crazy. Even Kyuhyun-ah went hysterical when you fell.”

That was then something in my mind clicked and my heart raced unexpectedly. Kyuhyun. Where is Kyuhyun?

Something was definitely unexplainable with me uncomfortable at the absence of Kyuhyun inside the room. Where was he, I thought deeply. And I also wondered if he was okay.

I wanted to see him.

I wanted to see him so bad now.

But where was he?

“Kyuhyun-ah saved Sungminnie, didn’t he?” Shindong faced Heechul and the latter nodded. That confirmed, Shindong gave me a good squeeze on the shoulders and trotted to the door. “Okay, Let me see if he’s awake now. Gotta congratulate the man!”

My body moved on his own, weakly getting off the mattress. The blanket slowly slipping off, exposing some of my skin - none of that matters right now - when Eeteuk and Ryeowook pushed me down to bed and covered me again. I let out a groan of protest.

“Where do you think you’re going? You stay here.” Eeteuk said in finality. “Get some rest.”

“He’s right, hyung.” I didn’t know if it was my imagination or not that Ryeowook, while looking at me, had this odd, knowing smile on his face when he continued, “I know you want to see Kyunnie but you gotta rest first.”

I wanted to insist that I was already feeling better and I wanted to get back to the photoshoot, if there was still one today, and see Kyuhyun myself but Eeteuk just pinched the bridge of my nose and huffed. “Nuh-uh. Not until you get enough rest, you ball of pink-ness” Then he gave my nose a quick peck, to which I groaned in objection but my hyung just laughed and happily exited the room with the three members.

Stubborn Teukie-hyung and his random nicknaming. Nevertheless, I didn’t push on and snugged to bed. I tossed and turned, restlessly thinking about a certain young savior who really jumped inside the tank just so he could rescue me.

“Kyuhyun…” I whispered to no one in particular and pulled the blanket over my head and closed my tired eyes. What will I do when I do see him later? Is he still angry with me? Will he shout at me for being a stupid hyung who couldn’t swim, much less ignore fans’ comments about our pairing?

My heart fluttered for a moment, surprising me completely and I immediately sat straight on the bed. I rattled my brain for a second or two, trying the extract the reason why my heart kept on running a marathon just a mere thought of Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun, a quiet dongsaeng with the most distinctive voice among our group. I knew that he didn’t speak much, like Kangin and Eunhyuk, but he always meant well.

Kyuhyun, an artist with a dedicated heart despite the struggle of being the youngest member of Super Junior. I could still vividly remember his efforts of trying to prove himself to the fans his worth as a singer and dancer.

Kyuhyun, the member who the staff of the infamous Super Junior Mini Drama thought would suit perfectly with me.

Kyuhyun, who made everything brighter with his laughs and smiles.

Kyuhyun. Simply Kyuhyun.

I was so deeply engrossed with my own thoughts that I didn’t notice that someone had already slipped inside the room and stood beside my bed. Only until the said someone cleared his throat.

I jerked up and hastily faced the visitor, and to my surprise, it was someone who I wasn’t ready to see just yet.

“Kyuhyun-ah…” I said almost breathlessly, making the younger male gaze at me with those soulful eyes I remembered so well.

“Hey…” was all his reply.

The both of us fell into silence - neither one spoke or did anything. I was sure I could clearly hear the drumming of someone’s heart. Whose heart was it? I wasn’t so sure myself. Was it mine? Was it Kyuhyun’s?

Then again, why Kyuhyun’s? I was pretty sure that what I was worrying earlier was something trivial to him, something irrelevant. It didn’t torment him like it did to me.

Then my heart stung. W-what…?

Because the idea that Kyuhyun didn’t look at me the same way I looked at him now hurt. Oh, crap, it hurt bad.

Suddenly, I saw my dongsaeng walking towards me, then getting down on his knees and leaning his body at the edge of the bed and, oh my god…

Because the next thing was, he wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled on my abdomen, silently and carefully as he did so.

I stopped breathing for a moment. What the hell was happening?!

This was pretty normal between members, this skinship - the hugs, snuggles and chaste pecks on the cheeks was something intimate that we did to express with each others - be it the times we won an award during music show or the times just being plain playful. This time, however, it felt something different.

And the sudden electrifying jolt when his skin passed mine didn’t help as well.

“Kyuhyun-ah…?” I murmured hesitantly, unsure what to do or to say. I placed my hand on his shoulder and gently patted it.

Then his shoulder began shaking and I could feel something damp on the sheet covering my stomach. It took a while when I realized that Kyuhyun began crying. Why was Kyuhyun crying, I had the foggiest idea.

“Sungmin-hyung, Sungmin-hyung, Sungmin-hyung…” He repeated over and over again between sobs; his voice breaking once or twice. I got so alarmed with the way he didn’t respond to any of my calling that I finally cupped his face to look at mine; his eyes puffy, lips pouting and brows crunching at the center.

“Why are you crying?!” I couldn’t help but raise a voice because seriously, this was something I had never encountered before - Kyuhyun, the always calm and collected Kyuhyun breaking down in front of me.

He pulled from my hand and looked away, not wanting to meet my gaze at him, and continued to sniff and sob. I saw that he tried surpressing anything embarrassing to say but lost for good. “I… I got scared.”

“Of what?” I honestly had no idea where this was going.

“Of… of… ARGH. Don’t make me say it, hyung!” He then found his way to my tummy again, wrapped his arms on my waist and snuggled but this time, no more tears damping the blanket.

I was at loss. What to say? What to do?

Then, here I gone again that it only dawned to me the position we were in - me with blanket as my only source of clothing and him attached on my body, unmoving and not speaking. The more time passed, the hotter my face felt and the faster my heart throbbed.

He had to let go now. He just had, or else.

Or else…

“Hyung…” I heard him muffled against my stomach, which tickled a little but I managed to stifle any chuckle that would come out. Things gradually turned comfortable for the both of us until he continued his sentence.

A somewhat dangerous yet exciting question.

“…hyung, can I kiss you?”

I choked at my own throat and looked at him surprised. How was that possible to choke on your own? Leave it to Kyuhyun who could make things possible right now. “E-eh…?!”

He finally raised his face to look at me. “Because…”

Slowly, he was inching forward. Too dangerously close, I had to note quietly. “…because…”

Like my body and heart betrayed me on its own, my eyes closed and I could feel Kyuhyun’s breath ghostly on my cheeks, then on my mouth. Just as he was to close the distance between our lips, he finished his sentence.

“…because… I like you. I like you so much, it’s driving me insane.”

And with that, the space between us finally disappeared with our lips pressed on each other. The gush of emotion, which coursed through my body instantly, was overwhelming that I didn’t know how to react but Kyuhyun -being the suave dongsaeng that he was- slowly parted his lips to caress my own.

I felt weak but Kyuhyun adjust his position to hold me in his arms and continue his heart-melting gestures of playing and teasing my lips using his. A contented sigh escaped my mouth, to which Kyuhyun took this sweet opportunity to slip his tongue inside and savor the moist cavern that was my mouth, that was my tongue.

“Sungmin-hyung…” I heard him murmured between our tongue-tangling acts - a hint in his voice of happiness and bliss - and deepening our kiss even more than possible.

This was insane.

Insanely pleasurable.

I was falling for him more than I could ever imagine. And everything felt right right now. Those remarks from before where now replaced instantly with his kisses and caresses that I couldn’t seem to get enough.


A surprised shriek reached our ears and we quickly pulled away, much to my disappointment, and panted for air. I frowned at the intruder standing at the doorway; Kyuhyun also looked like he was ready to murder the said intruder.

“DAMMIT YOU TWO! LOCK THE DOOR WILL YOU?!” Yesung threw his hands upward in defeat. “FIRST, IT WAS HANKYUNG AND HEECHUL AND NOW YOU TWO?! Why the hell is the world without locks these days?!” Then we saw him quickly exiting, grumbling even more complaints. “And if I see Eunhyuk and Donghae, I’m drawing a line!”

The door closed and we were left alone again; the mood was gone and was taken over with thoughts such as, “Hankyung and Heechul together? Even Eunhyuk and Donghae?”

“I had no idea…” Kyuhyun simply confessed, blinking at the sudden discovery. Then he quickly added, “Oh, well. The more, the merrier?” He finished with a wink. I just rolled my eyes.

I knew the tingling sensation on my lips and mouth was still there but I had enough excitement for this day and decided to lie in bed and continue my resting. It looked like the shoot was postponed anyway.

However, Kyuhyun planned otherwise and climbed to bed, effortlessly pinning me down with his hands and body. He smirked down on me and the only thing I could do was avert my face and suppress growing blushes surfacing on my cheeks.

Slowly, Kyuhyun leaned down and purposely breathe against my sensitive ear, causing me to shudder, “Lee Sungmin, hyung, I love you.”

That was then I realized that this pairing, Kyuhyun and I, also known as KyuMin, came to life. Of course, it was all thanks to those fans from before. They didn’t see this coming at all, did they?



A/N: OMG. It’s doooone! Three chapters of KyuMin dramaness and romance-ness! And this was my first attempt of sensual moments aka FLUFF. I hope I was able to portray it nicely. Thanks for tuning in, everyone! This has been Setsuna, your local whack-job who finds happiness through BL and Super Junior.

super junior, rating: pg, type: multi-chapter, subject: sungmin, genre: fluff, subject: kyuhyun, genre: drama, !fanfic, genre: shonen-ai/slash/bl/bromance, genre: angst, pairing: kyumin, author: setsuna_k, main/pov: sungmin, genre: romance

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