Hi guys! :D It's been a while~ Sorry about the inactivity. Today I come bringing a translation from an old magazine~ You know that Arashi ni Shiyagare episode (AniShiya #87) where they discuss how strict Sho is with his schedule? And then they showed us how Sho mentioned the program Excel in Popolo, a magazine feauturing male idols? This is the particular article. XD
Newscaster Sakurai talks about his "self" in simple terms!
A Detailed Sakurai Sho Analysis Report
Sakurai Sho, an active newscaster in "NEWS ZERO", will give a 3-minute "Ichimen" about himself! This segment will help you understand "Sakurai Sho" in 3 minutes.
A newscaster
On the day of the broadcast, we have 3 hours worth of meeting and preparations!
When I became a newscaster, I started watching TV more often. Aside from the news, I also check on what kind of events are highlighted in the world. It is important to prepare in advance not only before going on-air, but also before doing an interview. We hold meetings and make preparations for the show at around 4pm to 6pm and then 8pm to 9pm on the day of the broadcast. It takes around 3 hours all in all. When we're filming, I see to it that I look proper. Yeah, now I can even tie a necktie by myself! (laughs)
3 Musts Dos Of A Newscaster
1. Always be receptive
2. Make solid preparations
3. Pay attention to your posture.
Meets friends once a week
To tell others about events, send them all at once thru a mailing list
I hang out mostly with friends from school. We know each other inside out, so I feel at ease with them. We make sure to meet about once a week. Just like a club, we have a mailing list consisting of 13 people, which we use to message everyone simultaneously to meet. We check attendance thru Excel. Sometimes we just have a normal meal together, and other times we go barbecuing, snowboarding or go on a trip to the hot springs. We watch the videos I took during those trips at the houses of our newlywed friends. (laughs)
Arashi's rapper
I write lyrics when I'm on the road. A cellphone is a must-have item!
I occasionally take note of words I like in my phone, but I don't use it to write lyrics. When I have to compose lyrics, I compose it using my phone when I'm travelling, and type up the draft in my laptop. It's easier to talk about the material with the staff this way, and I have sloppy handwriting. (wry smile) I write a few lines while listening to the music, try inserting it on the actual recording, bring it back home to fix it and try inserting it again......That's how I write lyrics. I'm only writing one song, but if you include the corrections it takes around 3 days. "Re(mark)able" took about a week to write.
Amount Of Time Needed To Write Lyrics Average ~3 days Longest ~1 week
Song name Re(mark)able
Likes traveling !
My friends and I made some crazy plans in India and pushed through with it.
The most memorable one for me was India. I put together a tight schedule for our 5-day and 3-night stay and pushed through with it with my friends. We even went to the distant part in India which our local guide told us weren't safe, 'cause we got lost. (wry smile) I still haven't gone to Ganges River, so I want to go to India again. I also really want to go to Hong Kong when I heard Asano Yuuko-san's stories about it during "The Quiz Show". If I had to choose, I think I like the chaotic ambiance in Asia more than the beautiful countries in Europe.
Organizer in the family
When we go out together, I organize the whole thing.
Both of my parents work, so there are few chances of the whole family be all together. That's why when when our schedules match, we try and take the chance to eat out together. During those times, I'm usually the one who sets the time and place we'll eat at. This gradually became my role in the family. In the past, we had a notepad in the living room, and each of us wrote messages like, "I'll leave the house at ___ 'o clock tomorrow." It’s probably because of that habit that we still text each other a lot even now. Incidentally, I texted my younger brother yesterday asking, "How was your rugby game?", and he replied, "We lost......". I shouldn't have asked. (wry smile)
Bad with heights
I was suspended in air because of an ultimatum (?).
During our dome tour last year, I was honestly really scared when I was suspended in midair with a balloon. Two songs are about 10 minutes all in all, but it seriously felt like ages to me. The moment we were gradually hoisted up in midair backstage was really scary as well. MatsuJun made me choose: "bear with it, or walk on the stage all alone". I didn't think I have the courage to face the embarrassment of walking on the ground alone, so I decided let myself get suspended in the air. (wry smile)
Source: Popolo August 2009
Scan credits: oomontyoo.... &
pornvilai By the way, I'm now adding webclaps to my entries, for those lazy to comment, as seen below~. XD Just click the button to show your appreciation~ You can add comments/feedback too if you like. ^^
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