Feb. 20, 2012 Road to London 2012 - Sho Sakurai x Saori Yoshida (summary)

Feb 24, 2012 21:58

Hey guys~
This time I come bringing only a summary of the Sho's corner last Monday. Unfortunately there's no blog entry for this, so I made some a lot of screencaps instead to flail share with you guys. XD

(Note Sho being tackled on the screen behind him. XD)

In this corner, Sho interviewed Saori Yoshida, a female wrestler who is going to participate in the London Olympics this year. :) Sho also gets to try some of the wrestling exercises, and tackling with Yoshida. If you want to see Sho work his perfect body, or get tackled around, this is definitely a must-watch episode for you! XD

Yoshida first demonstrated some of the training they do in wrestling.

She twists her partner left and right (?), do backflips with a partner, and also flip back and forth while holding on to a person who is on his hands and knees.

They also have this training where your head stays put in the center, while you make your body run round and round like above. o_o
Sho: Eh? Eh?! EH?!
Sho: Seeing it without warning, I thought it was CG! XD (T.N.: Computer Graphics)

There was also this exercise where you bend over as seen in above while 2 people sit on you. o_o (Haha, if it was a guy doing that I'd think it was scandalous. XD)

There's also this exercise where you're supposed to climb a rope. Yoshida demonstrates, and does it so swiftly that Sho comments, "So fast!".

AND FINALLY, we get to see Sho try it too. ^^
But before he does, he comments...

Sho: I've only seen people in the navy do this in movies.

So, do you think Sho can do it? :)

Of course he can! As expected of Mr. Perfect Body!

...But a problem arises...

Sho: I can't get down!

LMAO. XD Don't worry, he climbs back down eventually. :) He said he reached his limit when he climbed the top that he didn't have any power left to go back down.

The next exercise they do is called "circuit training". In circuit training, you have to do all sorts of exercises in just 30 seconds.

Yoshida: Just do what I do.
Sho: Should I try?

And so Sho tries the circuit training. ^^

He managed to keep up with Yoshida! Once again, as expected of Mr. Perfect Body! \(^o^)/
However, right after the training ended....

Sho literally goes OTL and asks, "What's the point of doing this anyway?" XD
*people LOL-ing in the background XD*

So apparently doing this exercise makes it easier to breathe. Wrestlers do this exercise before a match. :o It makes them concentrate better and warm them up.

Sho: It's like you're using both mind and body. *makes a nerdy smile. XD*

Then they present a short background story on Yoshida. She was an unbeatable wrestler, known for her high-speed tackles. She's going to participate in the Olympics this year for the 3rd time. Sho asks if she ever thought of taking a break from wrestling for a while, and she answered that no she hasn't. When she wins, she'll immediately think that she can probably do it next time as well, so she continues to participate in competitions. XD

She never lost a match until last 2008, ending her winning streak of 119 times. Sho then asks if she was able to get over her frustration of losing, and how she got over it. She says that she talked about it with her mom, and decided to take her revenge by doing better next time. To improve her skills, she researched on a new way of tackling, which will take her to the top this year.

The difference in her tackling then and now:

Ah, but course, it would be best if she demonstrates it for us, right? *u*

Yoshida: Want to try tackling?
Yoshida: I won't put all my strength to it.

*Sho looks behind him as if Yoshida was talking to the person behind him*
Yoshida: No, no, Sakurai-san! XD There's no one else there but you! XD
*people once again LOL-ing in the background*

Haha, sorry Sho, no Arashi members to save you this time. XD

So Sho gets tackled using the old and then the new method. (Haha, I have a feeling Sho got really embarrassed when he was easily toppled over with the old method. XD)
Afterwards, Sho comments:
Sho: I'm blown away...
Sho: I'm kind of in shock right now. XD
Then we get to see more of Sho get tackled around, carried like a sack of potatoes, and pushed to the ground. Poor guy. XD

Then Sho does a personality test on Yoshida:

Yoshida immediately gives an answer: B.
So, this is a test on your personality when it comes to love. If you picked B, you give up as soon as you see that there's no hope. You are a "Do not refuse who comes, do not run after who goes" my pace type of person. Sho asks if it's correct, and Yoshida answers that it's pretty accurate.

By the way, here are the results for the other choices:

Sho then says that her answer is unexpected, 'cause based on what he heard he thought she'd pick A. She explains that she may have been different in the past. (She gets really embarrassed here. XD) Apparently, during her high school days, she confessed to the person she liked, got rejected. She and that guy got really close after that, so she tried confessing again, only to get rejected. Again. And that cycle went over and over for 6 times. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Sho comments at how positive she is. XD Most people would be depressed by then. XD

They then talk about the number of the total global titles she has, and that if she wins in the Olympics and in another international competition this year, she'll beat the legendary Russian wrestler Karelin's record of 12 consecutive international gold medals. D:

Yep. Overall, it was a good episode. So what do you guys think? Will she top Karelin's record? Didn't Sho looked like a cat that didn't want to fall into the water when he was clinging on the rope like that? XD

By the way, which fruit would you have picked? XD I would have picked A, personally.

♥Special thanks to ANJ for sharing the vid!

EDIT: Here's the segmented streamed by AmazinGrace_ in tudou. ^^ Thanks to coolohoh for finding the video. ♥

arashi, ichimen, translations

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