Quick Updates

Oct 15, 2009 03:13

Ok. So. I have fallen off the face of the internet. Partially because it's that time when work starts to want to take 12-hour days instead of 7 and nothing ever feels like it's done.

That's not really the reason though. See, the real issue is that I picked up the English version of The World Ends With You. And now I am an ADDICT. The plot and system were much easier to pick up without having to work to read the simple dialog, and if the game didn't /require/ shut down time and idle mingle time, then I would probably never put it down at all.

Anyway. Tomorrow, hopefully, I'll be moving on to Day 5 of Joshua. I backed out after ending day 4 because I really just needed to grind for cash and supplies. unfortunately for me, I failed to collect 1, 5 and 10-yen badges in the early days, and now /can't/ get them without doing the quest trade ins and /then/ leveling them with something other than battle PP. It'll definitely improve my strategy when I go back to the Japanese version though.

So, I've been wandering around massacring mostly lots of the blue and red jelly-things. Which means that I'm slowly running out of badges to use that will get any usefulness out of battles and I actually /need/ to shut down and let the badges that need SDPP earn them. I've played a little with the Mingle system, got some points with my Wii, and hit an alien by random chance. (On totally the wrong badges, messed me up pretty badge actually.) Jess just picked up a copy tonight, so that will make mingling a little more useful and productive.

Anyone with the game? We should all hang out and mingle and play Tin Pin some time. maybe when I organize my mythical Ft. Collins cosplay gathering. Someday.

Also also, am I the only one in the world who wants to try to cosplay some of the /other/ branded clothes instead of the regular outfits? I know it's totally not recognizable, but I'm way amused by the fact that I've had Joshua in "bondage pants" for... most of this week.

everyday, work, the world ends with you, game notes, fangirling

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