Meme and Progress

Aug 26, 2009 15:13

I got a little less done today than I'd hoped, but I did FINALLY watch AAA2009 in Tokyo. *_* I am in love ALL OVER AGAIN. As much as I can tell muself that I'm over it, it wasn't anyone else that I listened to to calm down and sleep when I was panicing over costumes last week; it wasn't anyone elses concert that I watched on my iPod Sunday at work to keep me from crying or murdering someone. Arashi never cease to entertain me. Watching them perform, in concerts and in varieties (AND dramas) are all fascinating to me. Plus they're beautiful. The biggest dissapointment of the show was probably Nino /not/ singing Gimmick Game, but the rest of it (like "Hip-Pop Boogie") very much made up for the lack. ALSO, the costumes were much much better this time around... even the first two super-neon outfits weren't that bad.

-White sleeves cut and edges melted (will have to do the body for mouse out of a different fabric, since there's barely enough for Corina's size, maybe >.>)
-Yellow sleeves lined and finished
-Yellow body lining cut and assembled (needs sewn to body and then turned and finished so neckband and sleeves can be attached) [[Note to self that neckband should be sewn on to the inside first, so that the horsehair braid ends up closer to the outside than the inside. Learned that on Tomomori.]

Considering apping Caboose on Paradisa now. I should probably sleep on that before I start to think it's too good of an idea. XD

kiyomori, paradisa, arashi, the heike own my soul, fangirling, costumes

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