I need votes...

Aug 04, 2008 20:26

Do we try to attend NDK or not?
Pre-Reg through August 15th is $45 each.
If we pre-reg, we will probably be able to get Cosplay slots, as online signup begins Aug. 16th.

Hotel would be another $60-80 per person (depending on if anyone shares the room with Jess and I). [Edit: Hotel would likely cost more like $75-110 per person.]

Attending would also mean I would have to fully complete Saku or refine Benkei and maybe consider making Kokuryu for Corina. In the next four weeks. [Read: I WOULD GO CRAZY.]

It would also make me very very poor.
But I want to.
Any thoughts? Anyone?

I have to keep reminding myself that the only award I can hope to win from the masquerade/cosplay is master's craftsmanship. Which has no associated prize, just a nice bit of paper.
The thing is that Kagetoki will be a year old after this con and we probably wouldn't get the chance to compete with it again (since there's already talk of Genbu and Haruka 4 and various other craziness).

kagetoki, conventions, ndk2008, saku, costumes

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