There are
Japanese editions of Nightrunner.
This boggles my mind.
Better? All the cover and insert art is by Yuki Kairi. Yeah. The Angel Sancuary one.
A lot of the names are not quite as I would have katakana-fied them... but then Seregil would come out sounding a little too much like uragiru in my version anyway.
It's very odd to me that I was considering purchasing the translations, especially since they come up to about $25 per book (because of multiple volumes). The art and the novelty would almost be worth it. I'll deffinitely be keeping an eye out for them if I'm ever in a book off again. >.>
Alec and Seregil have fully taken over my brain again. Well, when Nino isn't around. I feel so bad for my normal muses. I think they're in hiding. Except when Jess mentioned Masako earlier.... but it was the wrong one. ;_;
Um. Yeah. That's all.
Off for a whole three days now. My goal is to get Hyoutei polos and jersies done. May also be in Denver Saturday for an event of truly epic proportions... if I'm brave enough. We'll see.
[Edit: I missed GO-YA Day (5/8). I feel like a complete failure in my Higa.Okinawa fandom. At least I spent the whole day smiling every time I had to date something at work. ^^;;)