Costume Babble

Feb 06, 2008 00:42

Kagetoki's applique is finished. I overlocked the edges of all three panels tonight, which made me feel a lot better about them in general. Tomorrow I'll put the outside of the coat together and cut out lining. The bindings are going to be hard, But I think I have plans that will work. Note: remember that I need gold thread. Probably rayon?

I also cut Saku's scarves tonight. Bonus points for anyone who understands why I was going 'ah~ Natsukashii' while sitting under 6.667 yards of narrow chiffon scarves.

Will be ordering Madeira polyneon for Benkei and potentially a silver for Saku. I'mnot sure how much hand-work will go into her costume, but I have plans right now (for the aforementioned scarves, among other things). Her brother takes precidence, of course. Hopefully by tomorrow night (I'm off all day) he'll have a completed coat and obi-thing. That will leave just shirt, gloves, boots, armor, wig and rifle. Plus cording and ball-things. But the last isn't technically my responsibility. ^_^

I'm thinking we should watch more Gankutsuou tomorrow, even though I'd rather start Darker than Black.

Also, I'm not allowed to go in to work tomorrow, but I might anyway. Just a little.
Should also do my taxes. >.> *twiddles thumbs*

It took 8 stores before we found a copy of Across the Universe to buy tonight (6 Jess did alone on her way home, 2 we did after dinner). But we have it now and this makes me very happy. It's such an awesome movie. I notice more and more about it every time.

EDIT: OMGWTFBBQ! Aiba, Masa and..... SekiTomo!? Oh fandom, what are you /doing/ to me? Also, Kawai, Hijiri and a pile of girls that I don't recognize. <3

kagetoki, movies, fangirling, saku, costumes

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