(no subject)

Jun 09, 2009 23:26

I hate myself. Have some totally ridiculous dragon rider sex.

Aero (2/3 or some alternative number of parts), NC-17, J2, 2400 words, MORE STUPID DRAGON RIDER PORN.

Warnings for, you know, in case you have not figured this out by now, telepathic link with dragons sex. Or something. Shut up. (No, seriously, this story could be considered dub con, so if that is not your thing, wander in an alternate direction!)

Yes, there will inevitably be more of this soon. I can't just leave Jared's emotional state completely unresolved.

First part here.

The first kiss is soft and easy, the kind of kiss Jensen's imagined when he's thought about kissing Jared, but it only takes a minute for it to spin into something else, possessive and close to bruising.

"Goddamn," Jared says, breathing hard, and Jensen only realize that Jared had his hands wrapped around his shoulders when Jared lets go.

Jensen's still reeling, half Jared and half the steady, pressing awareness of Casserath's mind pushing into his. He blinks once, and it's Jared's face, then again and suddenly, he's seeing through her eyes. He's used to boundaries, a separate other in his mind, but this is different, so far gone that he can't articulate it. Ordinarily, he knows her. Now, he is her.

"I can talk you through this part," Jared murmurs, his mouth up against Jensen's jaw, "but I can't claim you until we catch you."

"If you catch us," Jensen says, because Jensen's well aware of the fact that it's her choice, that she could outfly them all.

"When," Jared says, amused but matter of fact.

Jensen knows Jared's not very far under yet, that he won't be until Seraneth starts to fly, but Jensen's still startled when he stands and holds out his hands. Being upright seems unachievable, between Casserath in his mind and the way the room is spinning.

"We won't make it to the bedroom if we don't go now," Jared says, wrapping his palms around Jensen's wrists and pulling him up, and suddenly Jensen's in close, pressed against Jared's chest. He likes it, wants it in a way that has him arching closer and pressing his hips against Jared's, but when Jared tightens his grip and tries to wrap an arm around him, something in the back of Jensen's mind protests and he finds himself pulling away, taking a step toward the bedroom.

"I'm fine," Jensen says, even though unsteady doesn't even begin to describe it, and takes another step back, putting more space between them.

"Greens," Jared says, grinning, and crosses the room, making Jensen move fast to keep Jared out of his personal space.

Jensen's trying and failing to focus on something, anything past the simultaneous desire to push Jared away and keep him close, so when he backs into the bed, it's unexpected. He's suddenly aware of the fact that it would be easy for Jared to corner him, pushing in close and pinning him, but Jared looks at him for a long moment and steps to the side, kicking his boots underneath a chair, pulling his shirt over his head.

"Is she close?" Jared says, and for a moment, Jensen feels like he's cheating, pushing for information he shouldn't have, but then what's left of his logic wins out and he realizes that Jared's trying to help him.

"She's hungry," Jensen says, and even if he knows enough to place the sensations flooding through him as desire, it's still an abstract concept to Casserath, somewhere between hunger and irritation, tangled with an overwhelming desire to take to the air.

When Jared looks back over his shoulder, Jensen flushes. He's leaning hard against the bedpost, unwilling to lie down in Jared's bed. When Jared starts in on the laces of his breeches, Jensen forces himself to look away, feeling like it's an invasion of privacy.

"She thinks she's hungry," Jared says, a moment later, and before Jensen can jump, there's a firm set of hands on his shoulders, pulling him back down into the bed. "Let her bleed one of the cattle, she'll realize it's not what she's looking for."

Jared slides his hands down, undoing the buttons at Jensen's collar, and Jensen feels it when Jared presses a kiss to the curve of his shoulder. Casserath is urging him to pull away, but the part of Jensen that's just him, the part that's still nervous as hell, doesn't want to. When Jensen leans back against Jared and stops fighting the unsteady feeling along his spine, Jared smiles. It's the same one he uses when Jensen knows the right answer or pulls off a flawless turn in a thread fight, and something about it makes Jensen feel less afraid.

"You can stay under the blankets for now, but I will tear your clothes off if they're still on when he catches her," Jared says, sounding a little rueful, and Jensen flushes when he realizes that it's not just abstract knowledge, that Jared's speaking from experience. Jensen pushes away the surge of jealousy - he's a dragon rider, he knows better than to assume that this kind of sex means anything.

Jared's eyes go soft, unfocused, and it only takes Jensen a moment to figure out that he's talking to Seraneth. He misses Casserath, suddenly and sharply, and Jensen's on the verge of feeling alone for the first time in three years when he feels her push back. She's past talking, but the rush of unrelenting affection is unmistakable and reassuring. No matter what, he'll still have her, and the thought makes Jensen feel a little better.

"Jensen," Jared says, gently, and Jensen flushes and sits up, managing to pull his shirt off. Jared pulls the blankets up, making Jensen suddenly more than a little aware that Jared's naked on the other side of the bed. Jensen's been fumbling with the laces on his breeches for what feels like forever when a hand wraps around his wrist.

"I can get that too," Jared says, sounding amused again, and before Jensen can protest, his hand is right there, undoing the knots. When Jensen shifts, feeling his whole face heat, his hips push up involuntarily. Jared glances up at him for a second then grins, distracting enough that Jensen's not paying attention when Jared presses the heel of his hand up against Jensen's filling erection and rubs.

Jensen's spreading his legs before he can think about why he shouldn't, pressing up into Jared's touch, and he's completely breathless by the time he manages to shove his shoulder up against Jared's chest and push him back.

"That's cheating," Jensen manages, struggling with the warmth flooding his stomach, pooling in his cock and balls, and he feels more than a little satisfied when he manages to knee Jared, who's laughing, in the side.

"It's us," Jared says, and it takes Jensen a second to remember he's talking about Seraneth and not him. "Consider it a foregone conclusion."

"Bronzes," Jensen teases, mimicking Jared's tone from earlier, and Jared stares for a second before descending into laughter again as Jensen kicks his breeches off.

"It's not our fault you're difficult," Jared says, shoving back gently, and even if it's clear they're just playing, Jensen can feel Seraneth rising in him as Jared's eyes start to go dark.

Jensen pushes him again, laughing, and Jared grabs Jensen's wrist again and pulls him in, grinning, until Jensen's breathing hard from the proximity. Jared's face is close, nudging his nose up against Jensen's cheek, and even if he's still laughing, it's distracting, making Jensen want more.

"By the way," Jared says, right up against the curve of Jensen's jaw, mouth hot against his skin, "you should know that I want a whole hell of a lot more of you than that."

Jensen kisses him then, can't help kissing him then, and he's so caught up in it that it takes him a moment to realize that the sense that he's falling isn't entirely incorrect.

"Hold her," Jared warns, almost against his mouth, and when Casserath twists on one wing toward the feeding grounds, Jensen's waiting, shoving his will up against hers. He wins, barely, and when she closes her talons around a cow and slices open its jugular, he feels his hands go tight in the sheets with how unsatisfying it is.

"Get her up in the air," Jared murmurs, reassuring against the fact that Jensen's losing himself, "high as she can get before we catch up," and that's easy, because she wants to. Jensen feels the push of wind beneath her wings, the sudden, fierce delight in flying, and he's more than aware of the males behind her. Jensen recognizes Elianth and a couple of other blues from their wing, with three larger browns that she can't identify on sight alone. It seems obvious that she could outlast any of them, obvious that she doesn't want any of them, when Seraneth spreads his wings and glides down underneath her with a slow, spiraling twist. He makes it look effortless, and Jensen's too caught up in Casserath's grudging respect to pay attention to Jared on top of him, or the heated, brutal kisses they're sharing.

Respect doesn't mean she'll let herself be caught, though, and Jensen feels the pride of leaving everyone else behind, of the way she's darting upward. Seraneth's still somewhere behind her, but Jensen feels her lack of concern, the open expanse of sky, and he's falling into her twisting turns around a cloud bank when something's over her, over them, and Jensen feels her panic when she realizes she's caught.

"Gotcha," Jared says, sharp and triumphant, and Jensen feels it as Seraneth holds her fast, tail and neck twining together, until the fear tips over into something else entirely, and Jensen stops breathing. A minute turns into two, Seraneth still pulling her upward with strong thrusts of his wings, and Jensen drags his hands down Jared's back and pulls him down, wanting so much more than body contact.

"He's not," Jensen manages, "I need," and Jared bites down hard on the curve of his shoulder and wraps a hand around his cock, stroking hard.

"He's giving me room," Jared says, leaning in until Jensen can't see anything but his face, and even half out of his mind, Jared is recognizable, someone Jensen trusts.

"I can't take my time," Jared says, rubbing up against him, clearly holding himself back, "but I want - if I could, I'd make this -"

Jensen knows what he's trying to say, and later, he'll appreciate it, but Casserath wants and he's losing the ability to think of anything else.

"Get inside us," he manages, pulling Jared into a hard kiss, and Jared makes a strangled, vicious noise against his mouth and pulls a jar off the chest beside his bed.

"I can't fight both of you, so shut up," Jared says.

Jensen's brain is stuttering between her and himself, miles of blue and need and something else entirely, and when Jared slides two slick fingers inside of him, it doesn't hurt, doesn't feel anything but not enough.

"Come on," Jensen says, arching up off the bed and into his weight, "come on, Jared," and Jared bites against his neck, hard enough that Casserath jerks, with a noise that's something like a growl.

Jared stretches him open with three fingers, hard enough and fast enough that Jensen knows it shouldn't feel as good as it does, and he can't keep from crying out. Jared pulls back, hands closing hard on Jensen's hips, and pulls them up.

"Don't try to hang on," Jared says, holding him steady, "because it's going to be too much," and pushes into him.

Jared holds it for a long moment, until Jensen feels everything in his mind turn over, because he's all her, and she's all him. Jensen can't tell the difference between Jared and Seraneth, doesn't want to tell the difference, and it's the best he's ever felt, so intense that he knows that it's pointless to try to separate the sense of connection between all of them. The long, slow thrusts are driving him crazy, something Jensen needs more of. He's pressing closer, finding a rhythm, when his stomach drops and they tumble into freefall. Jensen feels it when Jared starts to come, his whole back arching, but he's not expecting it when Jared slams in one more time, and the sudden rush of sensation is too much. He follows him over, letting go.

The next thought Jensen has is that someone is touching his face. Jensen doesn't bother to open his eyes - just thinking seems like too much effort - but someone's stroking their fingers over his cheekbone, down underneath his jaw, rubbing their thumb against his temple. When it stops for a second, Jensen manages a sleepy noise of protest, leaning back in the right direction, and there's a soft laugh.

"You planning on coming back any time soon?" Jared says, and Jensen opens his eyes, wincing when he tries to move. His whole body feels too sensitive, but there's something good underneath it, and he feels warm all over.

"Sorry," Jared says, his voice rougher, raspier than usual, but still amused, "I probably should have warned you about the whole thirty minute orgasm thing."

"Potentially," Jensen says, and he rolls over to realize Jared's propped up on one elbow, watching him.

Jensen feels himself flush under the scrutiny, suddenly all too aware of what happened, but Jared makes a soft noise and tilts his face up.

"Okay?" he says, and Jensen doesn't lean into the touch, but he manages not to look away, either.

"Is it always like that?" he says, and watches Jared look away for a second, then back, like he's hoping Jensen won't notice.

"Kind of," he says. "Sometimes."

Jensen gets the feeling Jared's not saying everything he wants to, but he's worn out, and something in his head wants to stay close. Casserath is asleep, close enough to Seraneth to feel him breathing, and Jensen's almost positive that it's holdover that's making him want the same thing.

"Do I," he says, grabbing the blanket, "I - should I go?"

Jared makes a soft noise that Jensen thinks might mean he's too polite to say yes, but he's barely pulled the blankets back when he feels a hand close around his shoulder.

"That was a no," Jared says, pulling Jensen back down, back against him, "and stop letting the heat out."

Jared wraps an arm around him, palming Jensen's hip, breath warm against the back of his neck, and Jensen's not entirely sure, but he knows that arguing would be more than pointless.

"Get some sleep," Jared murmurs, close, and maybe it's the dragons, maybe it's something else entirely, but it's easy to give in.


fiction, spn, aero, j2, supernatural

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