(no subject)

Jun 08, 2009 21:04

So - this is self-indulgent, but bear with me - I was reading this Pern J2 AU last night, which was not too shabby, but everyone who's read Anne McCaffrey's books knows that the worst/best part is the (totally dub con and utterly questionable but secretly awesome) sex between riders while their dragons are mating. (If you've read the books, you know exactly what I mean. If you haven't read the books, Wikipedia. It's the most hilariously ridiculous premise ever.) I was REALLY HOPING the cunning plot device in the J2 AU would be dragon sex, but alas, no dice. In case Wikipedia is not so helpful in this matter and you missed out on the adolescent joy that is Anne McCaffrey, essentially - riders form a mental bond with their dragons, and when their dragons mate, the riders are filled with an uncontrollable urge to sleep with each other.

Discussions have lead to the conclusion that the lack of J2 fic about this is a sad, sad situation, and you know what? Allow me to put completely inappropriate ideas into your head.

Obviously Jensen would be awesome as the slightly shy but completely dedicated green rider, and clearly Jared (oh, Jared) is all about riding an enormous bronze. Jensen is shy and a little naive! Jared is hot and powerful and in charge of lots of things, probably including some of Jensen's training! Jared is so nice and patient! Jensen totally has a ridiculous crush, but Jared rides a bronze, and he's popular and everyone loves him, and all the other dragons like Jared's dragon, and there's totally a rumor going around that his dragon might try for the next mating flight with the queen. Jensen is clearly not expecting anything! And then, you know, Jensen's dragon goes into heat and he's nervous! And kind of confused! And doesn't know what to do with these feelings!

And then, you know, obviously, Jared maybe urges his dragon to participate in a certain mating flight, and it's not like Jared doesn't know his dragon is going to win because, come on, he's the best dragon, and also, a bronze against a bunch of freaking blues and some browns, are you serious. He's mostly doing it because he's a nice guy and clearly Jensen is nervous as hell and it's the first time and Jared'll be nice, and then, oops, it turns out that Jensen is insanely hot and the sex is kind of the best that Jared's ever had, and Jared has had a lot of sex. His dragon is popular, okay. Jared has every intention of it being kind of casual! Just this one time thing, for the kid's sake! And then it turns out that Jensen's sort of under the impression that it means something, and Jared really doesn't want to crush all his hopes and dreams, so he figures the least he can do is hang around with him a little and let him down gently. Except it turns out that Jensen is smart! And funny! And kind of charming! And Jared's dragon really likes Jensen's dragon, and also thinks that Jared is a total moron for not figuring everything out sooner, and one thing leads to another, and oops, happily ever after. With dragons.

...I hate myself so much for writing the above paragraphs, I just want everyone to know.

ETA: But I wouldn't hate you if you added on to this ridiculousness. Just saying.
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