(no subject)

Jun 08, 2009 17:11

This post is mostly to point out that the lovely, beautiful jamesinboots has created a newsletter for all your Trek RPF needs here, at trekrpfnews. There's a super-sized first edition, so you should scoot over and get your Trek on with lovely photos of Zach and Chris.

I would also like to note that both winterlive and belyste are posting Big Bangs this week (!!!) and I was lucky enough to get to beta for both of them, which gives me the authority to note that you need to read those fics right damn now. Danny's is secretly my new favorite fic by her, which is really saying something, considering prior fics included iPod theft J2 and VOODOO AWESOME J2. You are all in for an excellent treat on both counts.

On the other hand, I spent all of last night reading this epic J2 AU loosely based on Dragonriders of Pern, which pretty much took me firmly back to seventh grade. I was totally willing to read like 20 parts just for the sake of nostalgia, so whether or not anybody should really trust my judgment on anything at this point is a fair question.

Also, I'm seriously starting to think that someone needs to make a BASIC HUMAN SCIENCE POST for fic reference. I keep reading fics with physically impossible things in them. No, really, your body does not bend that way, and that physical trauma does not work like that. And I keep reading sex scenes with things that are physically impossible for maybe 99.9% of men. The human body does not work like that! And then I get so thrown out of the story line that I have to give up. Damn it. Fandom needs more biologists.

(Alternatively, I think someone should write realistic exerts.

For example: "I'm shot in a vital organ and bleeding profusely!" said Jared. "Let's hang around and have a touching scene lasting a minimum of fifteen minutes while you bleed all over!" said Jensen. "Did you know that losing more than a quart of blood can lead to shock and death?" said Jared. "Interesting!" said Jensen. "Oops," said Jared. "I'm dead."

Or maybe: "I'm going to come all over you!" said Jared. "Did you know that typical male ejaculate volume is 3.2 mL, which is less than a teaspoon, and that volume decreases with subsequent ejaculations?" said Jensen. "Oh," said Jared. "Maybe we'll try something else!")

And I'm insanely addicted to Meeblings 2. Oops.
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