Sep 16, 2008 16:33
So, I had some people read over my writing in the last few weeks and I got some good feedback. Feedback which I had needed in order to keep going, I wanted to know what people were confused about, what all they wanted to know and what they got from the writing, other than, "I like it. It's good." I know it's good. I don't want to sound cocky, but I like these versions much better than what I had. I have no clue where I'm going with this though, I can't really think properly today. Effing tequila...
"What Role Do The Robots Have In The Story?"
Their role is fairly prominent, but they aren't the main part. Alice will probably have the largest role and that won't be until later on in the story when Caleb actually actually goes on his, "cruise." They're there more a reminder that the Cyrillians have started taking over different parts of human culture and they're definitely there. Arne will have a role as well, but he's more there to serve as Caleb's form of company due to him not interacting with other humans. I'll explain more about the Cyrillians and why Caleb is the way he is here in a few.
"What are the over-arching problems in the story?"
There are a few problems in the story and what I'm trying to accomplish. I sometimes wonder if I'm going for too much here in this book that I'm attempting to write. It is for the most part about Caleb and Jess, but I also decided to introduce Jocelyn, a potential love for Caleb and I don't want to give away too much, but that's there.
Caleb does go back in time to defeat the Cyrillians who fist showed up and killed everyone he loved. The Cyrillians are an alien race who have been out looking for different forms of life and they found Earth, but a group of... war mongers basically came to earth first under the guise of being peace loving and whatnot, but they weren't. They made life hell for a bit and everyone knows what they did to a set of people who had their lives completely destroyed by their coming. It's attempting to get into this without diving into that realm of really weird and really out there that I'll have a hard time doing. I want it to be believable and plausible, not something that will turn people away from reading it because it just doesn't seem that possible.
I will also have a fun time, and I'm not being sarcastic at the moment, with coming up with different ways to outdo Alice and her gang designed to prevent Caleb from changing time, but that's also something that'll make Caleb's choices hard at times. He wants to save everyone, he wants to have everyone around in his life again, but that'll also mean giving up Jocelyn. I'll explain this more in a bit as well.
"What type of setting does the story take place in?"
The time is futuristic-ish, if that makes sense. It'll be close to our times, but the Cyrillians, since the good part of their race showed up and prevented the full blown-out war, they have been introducing a lot of things that we were years away from developing. The Cyborgs, their advancements in computers with virtual reality that seems very realistic and holograms and they make it so that it's cheap and you can have all of these in every household. I will answer more later when I think of it.
"Who are the Cyrillians?"
Well, when I wrote these out, I didn't have as much about the Cyrillians in the other answers for the questions, so I basically answered the question before I actually asked it in the writing. Heh.
The Cyrillians are an alien race, but they aren't much different than humans and I have a couple of ideas I'm playing with, but it's hard to introduce them in a way that it all seems that it can actually happen. They're very human looking though and if it weren't for some slight differences, they could be taken as human. What I'm going for, it I can, is to have them so that at one point, they were human and in the time they were gone, they had changed over the years and evolved into how they are now. There are male and female, the females do carry the children and, like I said, they're very much human, but only slight differences. Same reproduction organs and whatnot, the two just can't really reproduce though. Or they can, I just don't know how I'm going to go about it.
There will also be two different forms of the Cyrillians that you'll see, as I stated before as well. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask and I'll answer your questions.
Who Is Jessica?
Jessica is a character who has a really close spot to my heart and why is that? Well, she is the girl I have created in my subconscious and one I fell for hard. I have had ongoing dreams about her for over two years now and I love every moment I have with her when I'm sleeping and what sucks is I only know her that way. I'd love to meet her for real if she was in fact real and I wonder if she'd be the same as the Jessica in my dreams and fall in love with me as well. I don't know what I'd do if she were real though, I'd probably freeze like I did in the dreams. The thing about those dreams is they have felt very real and to be honest, I dreamt about her last night and I didn't want to wake up, I didn't want to wake-up so much that I didn't even hear my alarm go off to wake me up for work this morning. So, I guess I'm Caleb in a way, I just don't want it to be too obvious, but to those who know me, they'll recognize him and how he acts.
Have you ever wanted something so bad that it hurts sometimes? I have and that thing is a person to be real... I won't go much further, this is supposed to be about the story.
Oops, time to get back to work. I spaced out way too much and I'll post the rest of this later.