Mar 03, 2012 03:18

I finally got my laptop in the mail ten minutes ago.
-clutches laptop to chest- I will never let you go again, bb!

Apparently there was a problem with the motherboard? IDK, I'm not as good with computers as I want to be so I'm not quite sure what that means. But at least she's working now!

ALSO. Hahaha I fail so hard. I overslept today but finally got ready for school around 11 am and drove to school... when I went to sign in at the office, the office lady looked at me weirdly and was like "uhhh school just ended. We had a half day today."
I was wondering why there were so many kids wandering around outside! Ahaha. So I just did the walk of shame back to my car (well, my parents' car) and drove back home. My dad seemed perturbed.

yaaay, omg, i love my laptop, fail

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