Another SPN vid - How To Save A Life

May 09, 2006 03:27

Yup, I made another Supernatural music video. I don't think I did anything else today... *blinks* Boy time flies.

I wasn't going to post this yet, but FCOL said it was really good and I'm a glutton for punishment praise so... *grins*

Title: How To Save A Life
Song: The Fray
Length: 4:25
Size: Just under 19mb
Spoilers: Clips taken from the episode "Faith"
Summary: A music tribute to "Faith". AKA "Faith" in under four and a half minutes.
Notes: "Faith" is my favouite Supernatural episode that I've seen so far and I really wanted to make a video all about it. This is my attempt.

Dedicated to: Layton who gave me the song and fcol who listened to me bitching about it as it was being made ;)

How To Save A Life - MegaUpload

How To Save A Life - YSI

spn:vid, musicvid, spn

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