Pretty When You Cry - A Dean Video

May 08, 2006 19:10

I come with a gift :D

A Supernatural music video :)

Title: Pretty When You Cry
Song: Vast
Length: 4:08
Spoilers: Clips taken from episodes up to "Route 666"
Summary: "I didn't mean to hurt you, but you're pretty when you cry."
Notes: For some reason at a couple of points in this video, the clips go pixelated. I'm not sure why as they are all taken from the same source and are all high quality clips.

Dedicated to: Moonie who suggested the song. This probably isn't exactly what you were expecting, sorry!

Pretty When You Cry

Please leave a comment if you're dl-ing and remember, I live off feedback!! ;) ;)

spn:vid, musicvid, spn

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