Jun 04, 2006 13:51
Argh..Ana and I listened to "Tsunami" in her room and started crying.
Krista and I stayed up until 7 this morning talking to Yuri and taking pictures of sunrise. It was probably one of the most exquisite mornings I have yet to experience. It's somewhat hard to describe how dreamlike it was to look up at the clouds beyond the borders of the TMG courtyard, waiting for the sun to slowly cross over the building into it. I kept thinking of Yuuichi being up there just looking and protecting, wishing us well.
Twas a nice thing to sit there and observe how the world progresses while listening to Bob Dylan, Linkin Park, and other random artists...The songs still fit somehow. This will be a day to remember.
I still have to write my Japanese journal entry which I'm dreading, and memorize more kanji and vocabulary, but I guess I'll start after I'm done here in the computer room.
I need to practice stomp too but we don't have the music sheets.
As for the title, I need to put for remembering's sake, everybody has been saying "omg" excessively and Melody didn't know what it meant just now hence, the title quoting what she just asked a moment ago ah...twas funny.