As my mapping site is excessively slow, let's have a chat about my LiveJournal posting.

May 25, 2009 16:38

You can thank my always charming ex-fiance for this post. He popped up on gchat the other day, in part, because he'd read my LiveJournal recently and wanted to congratulate me on having a second date.

I was torn between mortification and hysterical laughter. As always, I went with the laughter. ;)

There's two parts to this - my dating and how I post on LiveJournal.

LJ first, because I've had the longer relationship with it. ;) I've been writing* here for over 6 years. When I started, it was the early aughts and the internet was still young. I was also using a pseduonym in part to hide from a specific person and all my posts were public. Partly because it took me awhile to figure out public/locked posts. ;) As time went by, I realized that there were some things that I didn't want just anyone passing by to know about me. So I started locking more and more.

A few years ago when I changed my account name to "setfiretolife", I realized that as "setfiretolife" was becoming my default username across the internet, that it'd be really smart to not publicly post the things I wouldn't want my mother to find out (though she hates that I do it, she's aware of the fact that I swear, sometimes profusely).

These days, all I post publicly are little things that I don't mind the world knowing (including ranting about men), my weekly mileage posts and anything political. Everything else is locked. Though, if it's any comfort, I don't write here nearly as much I used to. I've been rather busy lately.

You know, with dating. ;)

My dating is really none of your business (you = general, anonymous internet user, not anyone I know). So I'm not going to elaborate on who I've dated or how many dates I've been on. I will promise you though, I've been on more than two dates in the last three months. A date hasn't and won't get written up here publicly unless it's gone spectacularly well or spectacularly bad. The last good date I wrote about came to such grand failure that I can't tell you that I'll write about another good date publicly. I do worry about jinxing myself. :\

I'm busy, I'm happy, and I still see life as a grand adventure. If you really want to know what goes on in my life, become part of it. ;)

Happy Memorial Day! :)

Ps, as soon as mapmyrun gets its act together, there will be a mileage post. It's a good one. :)

* Writing. Not blogging. I despise the word "blog" with a passion. I've been a writer since I was 10, where I record my memories and essay my thoughts is a journal, damnit.

hierophant, dating, on posting

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