Title: Fever
ginnysetaGenre: Drama
Relationship/characters: Setsuna and Lockon centric. Also features Tieria, Hallelujah, and Haro. Interpret things as you will.
Rating: PG - PG-13ish
Warnings/kinks: VIRGIN FIC ALERT! (As in...the author's first time. Not the characters, lol.)
Notes: This is my first G00 fic. I'm honestly really nervous about posting it, but it's the only way I'm going to get feedback, so...Up it goes...
Everything was dusty and dim. Setsuna had to squint his eyes to keep the dirt from catching in them. He glanced from left to right, his fingers clutching the rifle in his hands as if it were the only thing keeping him alive. In fact, it was.
He felt his body burning up, it was extremely hot. But that was just a small discomfort compared to what would happen if he stopped moving. Loud explosions were going off in the background. The noise, however deafening it may be, was better than the silence. At least then, he knew exactly what was coming, and from where. He would much rather look death directly in the face than be caught by surprise.
The dust parted slightly, and he began to make his way through it. There was someone he was supposed to kill, someone who needed to die or else god would punish him. The more he tried to summon their face to his mind, the more his head hurt. For some reason, he couldn’t remember. So instead, he just kept moving. He knew they had to be here somewhere, but his body was failing him. His legs and arms moved clumsily, giving out beneath him and forcing him to his knees, dropping the weapon in his hands.
Two larger hands reached out and grabbed him by the shoulders, forcing him to his feet. It took Setsuna a few moments of squinting to make out the face, but as soon as recognition set in, it was as if all the dust and darkness on his memory was blown away. The matted red hair, beard, and green eyes belonged to Ali Al Saachez, and he was smirking like the devil himself. In Setsuna’s eyes, he was the devil, and the world was all his hell. He had killed his belief in a higher power. He had made him kill his parents. Now he, too, would die.
“Setsuna…You’re not yourself.” The man seemed to say, the same sneer on his face. Setsuna felt a rush of energy, and his hands formed a fist, one going straight into the side of his face. He had definitely gotten a hit in, but it seemed wrong. The face of the man who had once used and abused him didn’t quite seem right. His eyes were still green, but they looked at him tenderly, and seemed concerned for him. The hair faded from red to brown, and the beard seemed to melt away, as did the scene around him.
“Lockon…Stratos…” Setsuna managed to murmur, before everything went black.
“….The kid had a hundred and four fever, and managed to deck me straight in the mouth.”
“Hold still, will you? I’m still trying to sterilize this cut. You should have come to me right away, you might get an infection!”
“Tieria, you don’t have to make a fuss, it’s not the first fat lip I’ve ever had. And someone had to ice his forehead while waiting for the medical supplies.”
“Setsuna has been sick, and the last thing we need is for another pilot to catch his bug.”
Setsuna’s eyes opened a crack at the sound of his name. He could see the purple haired meister standing over the pilot of Dynames, treating a small cut on his swollen lip. Lockon seemed to find Tieria’s attention unnecessary but amusing, and just simply let him apply the ointment.
“Ice packs! Ice packs!” chimed the little orange Haro robot, as he floated into the room with Allelujah not far behind. As he floated over by Setsuna, his chime changed. “Setsuna’s awake! Setsuna’s awake!” Shooing Tieria off him for a moment, and grabbing a fresh ice pack from Allelujah, Lockon proceeded to step up to the boy. The pack that had been on his head was lukewarm by now, and it was promptly replaced.
“I think Setsuna’s the only kid I know who can punch like a pro on his sick bed.” Allelujah said with a smirk. “Are you all right, Set?” It took him a few moments to register the words, as the frozen touch on his forehead was unbearably cold against his feverish skin.
“…Y-yes.” He stammered out, as he tried to sit up. Lockon gently pushed him back down. He looked up at the man, so very different from the one he saw in his dreams.
“Setsuna need rest! Setsuna need rest!” Haro chimed, and Allelujah placed the stack of icepacks in a near by cooler.
“I think this robot is probably the smartest one in the room. C’mon, both of you, the medicine is going to set in soon, and someone is going to have to oversee Exia’s repairs while Setsuna is down and out-” Allelujah’s sentence was cut short as Setsuna tried to sit up once again, this time more forcefully than before.
“You stupid child!” Tieria spat. “You run your health down, barely eating, spending your nights in Exia’s cockpit, letting your immune system grow weak, pushing your body to its limits when we aren’t even in battle! You are a disgrace, and you are starting to bring the rest of us down with you!” Lockon raised a gloved hand to Tieria.
“…You made your point.” Still, rhe purple haired man did not seem pleased. Lockon put a hand on his shoulder and forced a smile. “Tieria, thank you for fixing my lip. Why don’t you and Alle go see how Exia’s repairs are? I doubt Setsuna will sleep right unless he knows. I‘ll follow you both out in a few.”
“I can…check Exia…myse-UNF!” Spinning around, Lockon shoved Setsuna back down onto the bed, pinning him there.
“Both of you, go.” Lockon called over his shoulder, still holding the boy down.
“Try not to touch him too much, you’ll spread his germs around…”
“Tieria, you’re the only guy I know who cares about catching germs.”
“Germs! Germs! Germs!” The voices of Tieria, Allelujah, and Haro faded down the hallway, as Lockon continued to hold the feverish boy down. It was a tense few moments, and one where Setsuna was able to thoroughly examine Lockon’s eyes. Even though they were the same color and shape as Ali’s, the attitude behind them was incomparable. Lockon cared if Setsuna made it through. And amazingly enough, Lockon didn’t seem to care that he had punched him in the face.
“Exia will be fine, Setsuna. You will not be, if you keep insisting on messing with your body. Gundams can be repaired easily. Your body is a bit trickier.” Setsuna sneered, he did not seem to like having differences between he and a Gundam pointed out so directly. Slowly, Lockon pulled away.
“I didn’t mean to punch you. I’m sorry.” Setsuna finally said quietly. “I thought you were…him.” He didn’t need to explain who ‘him’ was.
“I would have punched myself too, if I thought I was him. Don’t worry about it. I‘m more worried about the fact that you could throw a punch while your temperature was a few degrees away from boiling.” Lockon sat back down in the chair besides the bed.
“…It wouldn’t have been the first time I fought while sick.” Setsuna muttered in return. “I don’t even feel that bad now.”
“I’m sure fever’s were common place when you were young. I’m sure that bastard would never have let you sit out a mission if it was big enough…but Setsuna, you’re not there anymore. You’re with Celestial Being. You’re with me, and I’ve got your back.” He smirked at the boy a bit. “You don’t have to live in your Gundam to survive.”
The boy listened carefully to his words, letting his head sink back into the pillows, the icepack slipping to the side, over a dry patch of flesh. He shivered. Sighing, Lockon stood up and threw another blanket over him, before flipping over the icepack.
“…We’ll sweat the fever out of you yet. Go to sleep, Setsuna. If you’d just rest, you’ll be back on your feet in no time.”
“…Thank you, Lockon.” was all the young boy said before closing his eyes. Only when the boy was sound asleep did Lockon stand up, brush a hand across his jet black hair, and leave the room. He would be back later with news of Exia, but instead of finding a war torn young man who could hardly sleep through fevered dreams, he would see an ordinary teen, sleeping soundly.
If getting punched by Setsuna every night would ensure things stay that way, Lockon would be more than willing to endure the sore mouth and Tieria’s nursing. Curing the past wasn’t that simple.
Curing the past required revenge.
One day, he would get it for them both. Until then, he would be there to help break the fever.