Motley Crew (heh)

Feb 08, 2022 13:50

Unfortunately for me, gold stickers don't scan that well. Original characters, stickers, and clippings.

One link picked by me (first up) and then 3 chosen by my mom.

+ Cats and Marble what the people who posted it have named it. But what you probably don't know is that this a version of a game often played on ピタゴラスイッチ ('Pythagoras Switch')! I even have one of those Pythagoras Switch devices that the cats are knocking the marbles into. Bururu is the tabby and Beruru is the black and white cat.
If you (like me) are mesmerized by these devices, you can see many more at this youtube list (I haven't watched all of them, but I can particularly recommend #1 (which is pretty much like the Switch ones except the camera cuts in some jarring ways) #24, and #25)
And yes, they are basically Rube Goldberg machines.

+ Relax, America: Willow, the White House Cat, Has Arrived

+ ‘Ghosts’ Has Become Such a Big Hit That Even CBS Execs Are Surprised: ‘TikTok Is Blowing Up!’

+ An 8-Year-Old Wrote a Book and Hid It on a Library Shelf. It’s a Hit.

watching...what we do in the shadows, links, drawings, books

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