Yes, I bake!

Dec 10, 2004 15:08

It has been another couple days, so I guess I better update before things get out of control!

Last time we saw our hero, he had finished a fantastic evening with his girlfriend Jen, and was about to embark on a movie viewing adventure of epic proportions...

So yeah, saw Garden State with Christophe on Tuesday, and it was pretty cool. Messed with my head a little bit... but that can be fun, right?  =)

Wednesday was Game Night! I got to see Paul and the gang, which was awesome (except one of the usual members, Tim, was missing). There was a short and bloody game of frag, which I believe resulted in me being the only one with no frags. Oh well  =)
We also had PIE! I needed to test my cherry pie recipe before surprising Jen on Thursday, so I made a pie for the Burnsville residents. All in all, it came out pretty well!
After game night, I swung by Jen's to say "Hello". It was a very very good "Hello"  =)  =)

Thursday morning rolled around, and I made another pie, which I then hand delivered to my sweetie just after her lunch break!
And here is a picture of the pie:

I did not get to taste this one, but I heard good things. Thanks to Tony's suggestion of adding Pom for a little tartness, it received a thumbs up from the ePredix customer service peeps  =)

Then came Thursday.
Thursday evening was great! I got to hang out with Jen and do some shopping, see Christophe for a bit, and listen to some interesting live music.
And then I got thanked for the pie   ;)

And finally, here we are at Friday. So far so good, and I get to go to a cool thing this evening with Jen, Steph, and Prutha, so that will be nice. Other then that, NO plans all weekend, except maybe getting to see one of Tim's shows tomorrow. I am SO looking forward to a lazy weekend... mmmmmm   =)

And now I am off to buy food! It is amazing what you can live off of when you never find time to shop   ;)
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