Is There a Doctor in the House?

Nov 21, 2004 15:53

Ever go from feeling great to feeling sick in a very short period of time? I set a personal record today of about 3 minutes. That was 3 minutes from feeling just dandy, to loosing my breakfast.

That goes on the "Not Cool" list =P

Bad food? Sudden 12/24 hour bug? Bored stomach? I don't really know yet. After my fun little after breakfast experience, I lay down for a few minutes. I woke up over four hours later. That probably isn't a good sign =) Besides having an upset stomach for about 3 minutes, I have not actually felt sick at all so far... but the evidence says something is screwy. For now, I am testing a little bland food to see what happens.

In other news:
I got to meet some more ePredix peeps at a party on Friday and they seemed like cool people. Steph, Prutha, and I went for sushi when we were finally able to tear ourselves away. The service sucked, but the food was good =) After that I popped over to the American Legion in Richfield to catch most of Jen's last set. She has a FANTASTIC voice! I was enthralled for the whole set, and then all too soon it was time to say good bye and head home. It was 1-something and I was getting a bit tired, but I would have liked to hang out and chat more. Ah well.

Saturday I got my old CD player up and running in the Party Van! Look out ladies... just a few more upgrades and the Party Van will be kicking some MaJoR BoOtY!!
Now I just have to re-solder some of the connections to the circuit board with the buttons on it, because half of the buttons don't work ;)
After my car fun, I grabbed Christophe and brought him down to the American Legion to see Jen sing. She was fabulous, despite it being a second night at a very smoky venue! Christophe was hit on by a cute but extremely drunk woman named Kim... for about 3 or 4 hours. All in all I think he had a very good time, though. It was definitely a change from our usual haunts.

I'm off to see what I can eat... later!
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