The Last Kiss

Apr 13, 2023 17:23

Looking in a mirror the woman looked at her lips up close and softly touched them. They were slightly rough from being chapped and not taken care of really well. They were also too thin and turned down at the corners in what looked like a frown. They weren't, it was just how they were naturally.

Unfortunately for her because of all this, her last kiss was so very long ago.

No one ever wanted to kiss such rough looking lips that presented as a frozen frown on her face.

A tear trickled down her cheek and nestled into the corner of her lips and stayed there before overflowing and continuing on down a face that was rather homely to begin with. She let out a soft "Feh" as she roughly wiped her face. It wasn't her fault her face looked like this all the time. It was a God given face after all.

But... once there had been someone to kiss these lips, to make them feel cherished when in fact, it was all false.

Maybe that is why, when the last kiss happened, it was the last one.

Now no one looked her way or longed to kiss her.

Another tear streaked down her face.

Even if it had been all fake, she did from time to time, long for those kisses that made her happy, made her feel cherished and a little less homely.

But all good things, real or fake, must come to an end.. and they did.

Her world collapsed and her heart shattered into so much dust. The natural downturn of her lips became more pronounced day by day as joy and love fled her heart. All to be replaced with hurt and rage.

After all the hurt and rage went away, a hollowness was left behind. A great carved space where they heart should have been was now a hollowed out hole, nothing could remain in such a space, and nothing ever could no matter how she tried. She placed a hand over the heart beating in her chest and lamented that its only function was to pump the blood flowing around her body.

Years passed, then a few decades passed. No one came and no one left.

Twilight has now come like a thief in the night and... her end was near. She could feel Death was looming ever nearer.

How ironic.

The very last kiss she would actually receive in this world would be from Death itself. At least Death didn't care what she looked like or how old she now was. Death would kiss her thin, chapped lips that were affixed with a permanent frown.

At least... she would have one last kiss.

At least... that was something.

angst, death

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