1 Line for 'No'...

Mar 29, 2010 16:40

Well, it turned out as I feared. I lost it. Oddly enough I'm not too overly upset by it, not yet anyway. Maybe because it was too early to form a strong attachment?? Possibly. But never the less I am sad, but not hair ripping out sad.

Ugh...they have also drawn more blood to check my hGC levels. And blew a vein in my hand cause I couldn't stand them taking blood anymore from my inner right elbow. <.< So much scar tissue to poke through. I've been jabbed and had more blood taken than in all my life in the last 3 years. They had best learn to find veins in my left elbow to use. Cause they know I am getting really pissed about it. It's getting to the point its so painful when they jab me, though today was much better. * shrugs *

Anyway...The doc is sending me to a preconception clinic called Stork to find out what might be the deal. I asked about the Lamictal and she said it was a strong possibility, but she's not 100% sure. Sounded like she was more like 70% sure. It could have been toxic to the developing baby and it just stopped. So all that I experienced, bad back pain ( and just in the back ), the light to medium staining was all part of disposing of the vital materials. I'm still going to take the prenatal vitamins, but not the progesterone, though I am going ask on the 16th if I should still take it every two weeks after I stop my period. * shrugs * Won't hurt to ask, especially since I do have a script for it.

Well, now I just have to wait for the results on the 16th of next month.

miscarriage, babies, pregnancy

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