My Apologies

Aug 14, 2009 08:47

Sorry I haven't been on the last 4 days. Its been pretty damn crazy over here. I've had doctor appointments and meetings all over the damn place. @_@ And truthfully? I don't think its going to slow down much. * sighs *

I do want to say that Murphy has also come for a visit. Oh and wasn't it lovely too? [/sarcasm] The little bastard ruined two perfectly good work days for me. I have to redo my invoices cause they are uber sloppy looking. So I try in between appointments one day. No fucking way did it happen. So, strike one.

Then I tried on Wednesday. Oh hell no. I get to Hastings for some peace and quiet after dropping the Terrorist off from a eye doctor appointment where his left lens strength is going to be stronger than his right. Any way I get home and suddenly the world starts mysteriously spinning while my butt is planted firmly in a chair. It was quite scary, not to mention I had this "Have I accidentally overdosed" feeling. Hand to God it felt that way. But I'm determined to go. So I hunt down my thyroid medicine more furiously. Couldn't find the bottle, but I found a blister pack of the same strength and put it in my pants pocket cause I already scarfed down one blueberry Poptart. And so I get ready to leave. Well, I still have that druggy feeling but drive back into town anyway along with a friend who's helping scrape and paint the trim on my in-laws house. I get to Hastings and set up...One problem, I left my damn scientific calculator at home.... AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I couldn't believe it. So I take out my one line back up and for the next 45-90 minutes I putz around TRYING to do my work. But its not working. I'm getting six different answers.

I finally face reality and pack up all my shit ( which was considerable ) and head to Wa-Mart to get a cheap scientific calculator with at least two or three lines so I can see all my numbers. I get there and there are two I'm looking at a $14 one and a $17.88, oh and some ticker tape calcs. I get on the horn with David and ask which one he reccomends. He told me to get the ticker tape one. SQEEE! I've been wanting one for ages. Don't ask, I just did. So I buy it and some batteries cause the number of plugs right now is limited at Hastings.

And then when I get back I spend another 45 minutes trying to get the paper inserted right. It was 2:30 by then. So I pack up all my stuff in utter disgust and head over to Andy's to eat lunch. Hubby was able to do the damn thing in less than 3 minutes. Fucking show off... * >.> *

So yeah Murphy came to town and rode me like a stubby little mare. Hopefully he's no longer lurking in the shadows the shithead.

There were also some very minor things that Murphy also did, but I think it was because I was going to say some not so nice things about him. Well, they weren't going to be very nice things either. Hell, the asshole deserves every damn word! * gives him the bird *

Yeah, that's right I'm taunting him. I'm finally venting about what happened TWO DAYS IN A ROW! And it just wasn't while I was out either. It was at home too. Granted the things at home weren't so bad, but I knew the sucker was behind it all.

Watch him take his revenge today.

* <.< *

* >.> *

Oh I forgot something... The eye doctor's office visit wasn't a pleasant one. They had gotten down right rude with my Terrorist. One lady damn near bluntly put it for him to "Sit down, stop acting silly, sit still and pay attention". Believe me if you were there to hear the tone of voice it sounds much worse. And the eye doctor himself wasn't any better either.

HELLO! MY SON IS 3.5 YEARS OLD! What the hell do you expect? So despite the state paying for his eye doctor visit we are going to take him next year to ours in Wal-Mart and see how it goes there. If they aren't as rude to him, we'll keep him there and spend the $48-$50 it costs for a glasses appointment.`

Well, that concludes everything for now. I might be on later tonight. But I'm not sure.

doctors, avon, murphy

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