A Chance - Part 4/5 of The Reaction (Tonks, G)

Aug 20, 2007 00:31

Title: A Chance (Part 4/5 of The Reaction)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: G
Word Count: ~ 475
Pairing/Characters: Tonks
Challenge: 100quills prompt 022 - purple
Warnings: No beta. Please point out any errors you find.
Summary: Tonks watches the reaction her cousin's presence is causing at Headquarters. Not DH compliant.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Author‘s Note: This is instalment #9 in The Order table. All fics take place after Half-Blood Prince, and are NOT Deathly Hallows compliant.

To start at the beginning, see Part 1 - Time Passes (Molly).

Tonks watched the scene unfold, wondering what the final outcome would be.

She didn't much care for Snape, but he had earned the right to be accepted - or at least tolerated.

She felt for her cousin, because she knew the type of household he had grown up in. Lucius was a master of manipulation, and she had witnessed Draco try desperately to win his father's love, on the odd occasions when she had seen them. She doubted the man was capable of love, no matter what his son did to try to earn his favour. Of course, Narcissa showered her son with affection, but as much as Draco returned it, that just couldn't make up for the constant distance between him and Lucius.

She watched the others shun Draco, glaring at him every chance they got. After all, no matter what he had grown up with, in the end he had made his own decisions, his own mistakes. Unlike Snape, he hadn't really earned anyone's trust.

Ron was, by far, the worst. He most definitely did not like Draco, and made that perfectly clear with every word, every look, every movement. Whenever he was around Draco, he had the appearance of an animal ready to pounce at any moment. It looked like it was difficult for Ron to hold back.

She watched Hermione who was not hostile, but also not accepting. Still, it was a start. She didn't seem to partake in any discussions, good or bad, about him, so Tonks considered her to be the Switzerland figure in all this. Neutral, no matter what.

Neville seemed to be tolerant, but was still not quite comfortable with the idea. She wondered if it was fear of Draco, or an actual willingness to move on, that was the driving force of his actions.

From what she had heard, Draco had been horrible to all three of them. Well, actually he had supposedly been horrible to all the Gryffindors. And they were not forgiving or forgetting any time soon.

There was an exception though. She was surprised to see that, of all people, Harry had not only accepted Draco into his home, but he was giving her cousin the benefit of the doubt, was giving him a chance. And now he was suffering for it, his friends (especially Ron) constantly flooding him with challenges to his decision, and questioning his sanity.

The tension in the air was thick enough to slice through. Tired of the intensity of it all, as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, Tonks decided that a humorous and playful colour might lighten the mood of the place. Squeezing her eyes shut for a moment, she concentrated. As she opened her eyes and looked at the shock of purple hair in the mirror, she thought that it was just right.

100quills, the order

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