The Meeting - Part 7/7 of Coming Home (H/D, PG-13)

Aug 17, 2007 13:50

Title: The Meeting (Part 7/7 of Coming Home)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 1365
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco, Ron
Challenge: 100quills prompt 018 - lust
Warnings: No beta. Please point out any errors you find.
Summary: Harry and Draco finally come face to face.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Need to catch up? Click Part 1 - Wind to start at the beginning.

"What are you on about Harry?" Ron asked, clearly in shock over what he was hearing. "This is Malfoy we're talking about here. He's a spoiled, useless git, he always has been, and he always will be."

"No, he's not!" Harry disagreed rather more forcefully than he had intended. "In fact, I think I'm going to go over there to chat with him." Harry left a dumbfounded Ron behind when he went to talk to Draco.

As Harry crossed the room, Draco looked up. As he saw Harry approaching, his face lit up in a smile. Harry's heart leapt, and he returned the grin. As he got closer, he made a sudden decision. Well, it was less a decision as such, and more like acting on an impulse.

He realized that he didn't care who knew about them any more. All he knew was that this past week he had thought of little else besides the man now almost directly in front of him. He had walked away once. He wouldn't, he couldn't do it again. If Draco was with someone else (thankfully Harry hadn't seen any evidence of that), so be it. If Draco didn't want him, there was probably very little he could do to change his mind. But he just couldn't let this opportunity pass. He could not live with any more regrets.

So, when he was in front of Draco, he lifted his hand to touch the blonde's cheek, then run it through his hair. Draco closed his eyes and leaned into his touch, and Harry leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips.

Their lips merely brushed each other's, but a wave of heat shot through Harry instantly. He didn't care who was watching as he took Draco into his arms and deepened the kiss. He felt no resistance as his tongue softly traced the outline of Draco's lips, and then gently reached inside to find the other man's.

The scent, the feel, the taste of Draco brought Harry home. This was what he had been missing. This wasn't just lust, although there was most certainly that. This was so much more. This went to Harry's core, filling him with a warmth and joy that he hadn't felt since last he had held this man in his arms.

As they broke apart, Harry looked into eyes that reflected everything he was feeling. The time had come to throw caution to the wind and tell Draco what he couldn't three years ago.

"I love you," Harry whispered in a barely audible voice. This was something between them, something that didn't belong to everyone else, so he said it so only they could hear. The elation written all over Draco's face as he heard the words tugged at Harry's heart, and he knew he had done the right thing.

He grinned sweetly at Draco's reaction, then halted as he saw the look of hesitation on the blonde's face. Draco reached out his hand and took Harry's before leading him out of the room. A feeling of foreboding settled in Harry's stomach, as he imagined that Draco was about to tell him about another someone.

Harry followed blindly as Draco led him down corridor after corridor, probably not wanting Harry to make a scene by blowing something up when he was told the news. This didn't look good at all.

Suddenly, he was thrown up against a wall, with a slightly menacing looking blonde glaring at him. "Do you know how long I waited to hear you say that? Do you?" Draco yelled. "I knew that I could never be the first to say it, and you - brave Gryffindor and all that - never did! Then you left without a backwards glance. Do you know what that did to me?"

"Er ... " Harry didn't know what to say.

"Right. You go away for three years - THREE FUCKING YEARS - and then expect to ... well ... what? Just pick up where we left off? No, that can't be it, because nobody knew about us." As an afterthought, he added quietly, "I never did tell anyone, you know."

"Neither did I," Harry replied, rather lamely he had to admit.

"Right, and why is that?" Draco asked, his anger returning. "Because you were ashamed of me, right? Well, I don't need someone who is ashamed of me. I thought I meant more to you than that, but I've had three long years to think about what happened, and --"

Harry finally found his voice, cutting off his tirade. "Draco, I was never ashamed of you. Never. I've been back here for a week. I was prepared to come to this wedding and go home, never to come back, but then something happened."

"Oh, do tell," Draco drawled.

"You happened."

"What?!" he said incredulously. "What, you saw me and decided that you might as well get in a good shag while you're here?" Harry could hear the pain in his voice.

"No. That's not it at all. What I meant was that the moment I arrived here, and every free moment I've had since, you are all I have thought about. You have invaded my thoughts, my dreams. When I left three years ago, it was the hardest thing I had ever done. It hurt me terribly that you wouldn't come with me, but I accepted it. I knew that it was what you wanted, and I thought that leaving England was what I wanted."

"Do you have a point, Harry, or are you just going to come up with excuses why this is all my fault?"

"No ... sorry ... that's not what I meant at all. I just meant that I have loved you all along, even if I hadn't said it before. I have never stopped loving you. I was afraid to tell you." Harry caught the eye roll at that comment. "That's right, Draco, I was afraid. I think maybe I used up all the Gryffindor courage during the war, and I had none left. Well, anyway, I seem to have got some back. I'm not here for a quick shag with you. I meant what I said. I love you. I always have, and I always will."

"So, you expect me to do what exactly?"


"What?" He looked at Harry with a disbelieving glare.

"I don't expect anything from you, Draco. But I would like to begin again. If you'll have me. I won't apologize for doing what I needed to do for myself, but I am truly sorry that I hurt you. I know how much it killed me to be away from you, and those feelings all came rushing back once I arrived in England. I only hope that we can get past this." Harry took a breath, and decided to put it all out there. "I will stay. I'll do anything for you, Draco. I won't walk away from you again. And ... well ... in case you hadn't noticed, I did rather abruptly show everyone else that ... never mind. That doesn't matter. What does matter is you ... us. If you will have me, I'll stay. If you won't, I'll leave and never come back."

Draco seemed to contemplate for some time, and they stood there in silence for moments that felt like hours to Harry. "I will not just pick up where we left off," he finally said.

"Fair enough."

"I need to think about what exactly this means, where we go from here."

A glimmer of hope rose in Harry's chest. He reached out to brush some hair behind Draco's ear, then pulled the blonde towards him. "I don't expect miracles, Draco. But I want you. I love you. I can't live without you any more."

"There will be wooing on your part, you know," Draco told him haughtily. Harry smiled. "And presents. I sense some presents in my future."

"Anything you want, Draco," Harry grinned.

"Actually, Harry, all I really want is you." He closed the gap between them and with a searing kiss, they began again. This time with a little more than a promise.

What You Mean To Me (sequel)

100quills, coming home, h/d

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