Shock (H/D, PG-13)

Jan 30, 2009 01:30

Title: Shock
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 435
Challenges: for facecat's birthday request of "incoherent".
Summary: Ron's good intentions leave him a little worse for wear.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.


"Harry Potter!" An angry but familiar voice carried all the way upstairs from the front room of Grimmauld Place. Harry climbed out of bed, pulled on his robe and made his way downstairs.

"Hermione?" Harry asked, taking in his friend's distraught look. "Is there something wrong?"

"It's Ron. He's … well, I'm not sure what he is. That's why I Flooed you. What happened to him?"

Harry stared at her in confusion. "How would I know?" Harry hadn't seen his partner since they left work that day. "He was perfectly fine when I saw him a few hours ago."

"A few hours ago?"

"Yes …" Harry didn't like the sound of that. Thoughts raced through his mind, but he quickly dismissed them, hoping - no, knowing - that Ron would never cheat on Hermione. "What's happened to him?"

"He's completely incoherent."

Strange. Even for Ron, it would be a bit much to become drunk that quickly. "How much did he have?" Harry ventured.

"It's not that, Harry. He seems … well, he seems to be in shock."

"Shock?" Ron was a highly trained Auror, and after everything they'd seen during the war and on the job, it would take a lot to put him in a state of shock.

"Yes, shock. And the last thing he said before he went out was that he was going to pop over here and keep you company. Said he didn't want you sitting at home by yourself."

Merlin's balls. He didn't. He couldn't have. Harry tried to recall if he'd closed off the Floo before …. Looking at Hermione's face, he realised that, of course, he had not. Well, shit.

"When he came home, he did nod when I asked if he had come here."

"Er … right. Listen, Hermione, I'm sure Ron's fine. It's just --"

"Potter, are you coming back to bed sometime tonight?"

Harry cringed and closed his eyes, praying to any deity that would listen.

"D-Draco?" Hermione squeaked.


Harry turned around to see that, apparently, no deity was currently available to hear his plea. Draco stood naked in the doorway.

"So …" Hermione said shakily. "I um … think I know what happened. Thanks, Harry. I'll … um … just be going now."

"Bye, Hermione." She was gone before Harry finished saying her name.

"Honestly, Potter. You just couldn't wait to brag about my gorgeous arse, could you?"

"Yeah, that's it." No use telling Draco about Ron just yet. "What was that you said about bed?" After all, Harry did want to see some more of that gorgeous arse before breaking the news.

bday, bday gift 08, h/d

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