I'll Show You Who's The Girl! (D/H, PG-13)

Dec 03, 2008 13:40

Title: I'll Show You Who's The Girl!
Author: sesheta_66
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~700
Summary: Harry tries to make up for past deeds.
Warnings: I don't write crack!fic, so be forewarned - this be that. Rampant run-on sentences. Top!Draco.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Author's Note: My darling melusinahp has been having a rough go of things, and requested a fic in which Draco was eating pineapple with feathers in his hair. I hope you don't mind, hon, but I veered a little bit away from the prompt. I hope it still meets your needs. And I hope they were able to recover your toes. *hugs*

I'll Show You Who's The Girl!

"Potter, what are you doing?!"

"I am making amends for not taking your hand that first day - well, actually, it was the second day, after Madame Malkin's when you totally acted like my bully of a cousin and insulted the great and honourable Hagrid - on the Hogwarts Express, thus changing the course of our lives forever, and making you turn on me with such dastardly plans that you would forever be my nemesis. Or, well, second in line after Voldemort. Well, really more of a thorn in my side than anything else."

"By putting feathers in my hair?"

"Well … yes. I mean, you could never be as EVIL as your father. Who, by the way, has very nice hair. You should grow it that long. Really."

"How will feathers make amends?"

Potter pondered that. With a deep furrowing of his brow. A pained look. A look that Draco thought - if he had ever thought about Potter that way, which of course he never did - looked surprisingly good on him. Like he was capable of deep thought.

"They make you look pretty."

Perhaps not.

"I am NOT the girl in this relationship!" Draco screamed … but most definitely not in a girly fashion. More of a manly shriek like one about to go to war. Only he was done with war. Weren't they all? It had truly, deeply affected them all … but not so much that they would ever do anything differently than they did in school.

Potter laughed. A laugh that said all was forgotten, forgiven. That he knew - just knew, deep within his soul - Draco had always been a good guy, born into his future as Potter had been born into his. It was all Lucius's fault. No. It was all Voldemort's fault. Because everything came back to him, no matter that he hadn't been around all those years Draco was growing up.

"Of course you are the girl. You are too pretty to be the boy."

Draco took some of the crystallized pineapple he had been eating - after all, Horace Slughorn had to be good for something, and it was common knowledge that he kept a supply of the confection in every room he ever entered, and as a wily, sly, sneaky, highly intelligent and crafty Slytherin, Draco had no trouble obtaining some for himself - and threw it at Potter's head. Because, though he had a wand, Potter always reduced him to handling things the Muggle way, no matter that he was raised to do things the wizarding way. Because that was what he and Potter were all about, after all.


"I'll show you who's the girl in this relationship!" Draco said.

"Relationship?" Potter squeaked. Just like a girl. Draco smirked. Because that's what Draco did. He looked very sexy when he smirked. He knew, because he had spent hours perfecting the look in front of his mirror, which had a sexy female voice - even though Draco was gay, very gay, most definitely gay, and couldn't appreciate the sultry nature of it - and told him how sexy he looked.

Potter was doomed. Draco tackled him, and when their tongues touched, their worlds practically exploded around them. Draco knew Potter felt the same way, because he used his well-honed Legilimency skills taught to him by his crazy Aunt Bellatrix - because everyone knew Potter was pants at Occlumency - to get inside his head.

And Draco proceeded to show Potter just who was the top in this relationship. Not that they were in a relationship, of course. But Draco was looking forward to tormenting the weasel and flaunting himself in front of the she-weasel. He would, of course, make amends with the Mudblood - and he would never ever call her that again - and they would become the best of friends, researching all the problems the little Gryffindorks could ever come up with. Except the she-weasel. She would continue to bed every wizard she could, and would run off to distant lands, never to be seen again.

Ah, yes. Snape - whose portrait was in Draco's bedroom and provided him with sound but surly advice - would be so proud. Well, after he got over the shock of it being Potter.

gift, crack, h/d

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