Flying High (H/D, PG)

Nov 19, 2008 15:23

Title: Flying High
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~350
Challenges: bewarethesmirk's birthday request of "magical carpet," awdt's prompts of "Don‘t you understand anything?" and "insanity and biscuits".
Summary: Harry decided on an unconventional destination for his second date with Draco. Draco is less than enthused.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Flying High

"This is insane, Potter!" Draco screamed.

Harry laughed and took advantage of the opportunity to wrap his arms more tightly around Draco.

"If we fall to our deaths, I will kill you!" Draco threatened.

Harry laughed again. It earned him an elbow in the ribs.

"Don’t you understand anything? There’s a reason these things are banned in Britain. They are dangerous," Draco pointed out.

"Draco, you flew all the time at Hogwarts, and according to the stories you told everyone then, you‘ve been riding a broomstick since you were a young child. As high as planes, if I recall. This is nothing to worry about."

"But this thing is driving itself! It could tip us off at any time."

"It won’t."

"But it could." Draco pouted. "And how do you know it won’t? It could have been tampered with."

"Draco, are you a wizard or not?" Draco scowled at him. "We both have our wands. Even if we were tipped off - something highly unlikely - we could cast a cushioning charm and be perfectly fine."

"I still don’t like it." Draco snuggled in closer as he said that.

Harry smiled as he tightened his protective grip on Draco, thoroughly enjoying the closeness that his date‘s irrational fear was prompting.

They landed a few minutes later. On shaky legs, Draco lost no time getting as far away as possible.

Harry rifled through the pack he’d brought for their picnic later. He handed Draco one of Molly’s homemade biscuits.

Draco took a bite, then slowed his pace. "How can parents even consider allowing their children do that, Harry?"

"It’s fun."

"It was terrifying." He shuddered. Harry put a comforting arm around his shoulders.

Once there was enough distance between them and the object of his scorn, Draco turned and looked back. A scowl formed on his face.

"What’s wrong?" Harry asked.

"We were much higher than that," Draco observed.

"No, we weren‘t."

"But … but we must have been."

"No, Draco. It’s an amusement ride. The magic carpets only go ten feet up."

bday, bday gift 08, gift, h/d

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