Refined Tastes (H/D, PG-13)

Oct 13, 2008 02:04

Another ridiculously late gift!fic. It is likely not what you expected, but I hope you enjoy it. And happy birthday - again! (At least you got it before your next birthday). :D

Title: Refined Tastes
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 460
Challenges: twistedm's birthday request of "sushi (vegetarian, tuna and salmon), chocolate truffles and a hell of a lot of ice cream, and a long hot soak in the tub with a fun book."
Summary: Draco tries to introduce fine cuisine to an unappreciative lot.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Refined Tastes
"Draco, it's a child's birthday party," Harry pointed out.

"And one is never too young to learn good taste."

"But sushi, Draco? What child will want to have raw fish at his birthday?"

"There's vegetarian in here for those that have an aversion to raw fish. It's generally a good way to ease the palate into the more refined taste of sushi."

Harry snorted. "Anything else?" he quickly added, noticing Draco's frown.

"Yes," Draco said enthusiastically. "I have tuna and salmon too."

Harry rolled his eyes. Thankfully he had purchased chocolate truffles as well, knowing they were Rose's favourite, and never sure what to expect from Draco.

They arrived at Ron and Hermione's place, and Harry was able to corner Ron before Draco caught up. "Say nothing about Draco's choice of food for the occasion, if you value your life."

Ron raised an eyebrow.

"Fancy filing for the next month?" Harry challenged. He hated to use his position as Ron's boss, but desperate times called for desperate measures.


Hermione gave him a quizzical look, but Draco appeared before he could explain.

"Here you go, Hermione. I thought it was a perfect opportunity to introduce your children to some fine cuisine."

Fortunately, the children started calling for Harry and Draco, and they were whisked away before Draco could see the flabbergasted looks on their hosts' faces.

* * * * *
"Don't be too disappointed, Draco."

"But the only one who ate any of it besides me was Luna," Draco pouted.

"I'm sure it was lovely."

He scowled at Harry. "I didn't see you eating any either!"

"Yes, well, you know I don't eat sushi. I tried it once and that was enough for me."

Draco huffed. "They should have at least tried it before screaming eeewww and running off."

Harry held back his laughter. "Draco, children like to eat crisps and cookies and cake and lots and lots of ice cream at birthday parties."

"I never ate such things when I was a child."

"Neither did I, but most children do."

"But they'll get sick."

"Perhaps, but they'll have fun along the way."

Draco gave an exaggerated sigh. "I'm going for a nice long, hot soak in the tub."

Harry waggled his eyebrows.

"With a book."

* * * * *
"Room for someone else in there?" Harry asked.

Draco glared. "I told you I was going for a soak with a book."

"Ah, but I brought a book," Harry replied. "A fun book."

Draco looked up as Harry waved the book, 101 Ways to Enhance Your Sex Life they received from Seamus and Dean at Christmas. They hadn't been disappointed yet.

Draco's breath hitched, his eyes narrowed, and he licked his lips. "Oh, alright. If you insist."


bday, bday gift 08, h/d

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