Missing Harry (H/D, hard R)

Oct 10, 2008 00:59

This is yet another incredibly late birthday fic. I hope you enjoy it, even if it's months after the day. Just think of it as the birthday that never ends. :D

Title: Missing Harry
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: Hard R, to be safe
Word Count: 1000
Challenges: silver_ariel's birthday request of "Something smutty or romantic, or both. ;D Harry and Draco have been apart apart for a while, due to job/war/whatever, and one of them surprises the other by coming home early." and awdt's older prompt of "Well, that's not working, is it?"
Summary: Harry has been away far too long.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Missing Harry
Draco settled in for another evening at home - alone. Three weeks was a long time to be without Harry. Not that he would have ever believed he'd feel that way. Merlin, if someone had told him that a year ago, he would have laughed himself hoarse.

A year ago. Draco could hardly believe it. He had been asked to work on a case with the Aurors - Harry in particular - because of his potions expertise. Well, it was no secret that Harry couldn't have worked out the solution on his own.

Draco smiled at the memory, wrapping his hands around his hot mug of tea to warm himself up. Normally he would curl in beside Harry. That was all the warmth he needed these days.

Their reunion, such that it was, had been just short of a disaster. All that anger, that pent-up frustration, had exploded within an hour of being in close proximity. Then Harry, typical of a rush-in-without-thinking-about-it Gryffindor, had done just that in his angered state, and caused a cauldron to spill in the illegal lab they'd discovered.

The brewers had been no slouches at safety, it seemed. The lab had built-in security measures which sealed off the laboratory in the event of a chemical spill. And they had been inside when it went into lock-down. Alone. Lovely.

Draco placed his cup on the table and with a wave of his wand, turned up the fire to warm the room. He lifted his legs onto the sofa and leaned his head back on the cushion, closing his eyes and resuming his musings about that night.

After screaming at each other - well, okay, Draco did most of the screaming and Harry spent a great deal of time scowling - they'd spent a good hour trying every spell they could to open the door, break through the wall, anything to get out.

"Well that's not working, is it?" Draco had pointed out.

"We might as well just give up and wait for them to come get us," Harry had suggested.

"That's your great plan? It's a wonder you survived all these years, Potter."

"Yes, Malfoy, I'm as useless as ever."

"Hmpf. You said it."

"Only to pre-empt you."

"As much as I would like to bask in the moment, somehow it's not as … fulfilling as I thought it would be."

Harry had raised his eyebrow in question, then laughed. "If that's how you find fulfilment, Malfoy, might I suggest you get out more?"

"Very funny."

"No, really. If the height of your fulfilment comes from hearing me confess that I'm not perfect - something I've never claimed to be - you might want to think about … I dunno … getting laid or something."

"Is that an offer?"

Harry had laughed more deeply that time. The raspy sound of his voice when eventually he spoke had gone right to Draco's groin.

"As if you'd lower yourself to be with someone less than a pureblood," Harry had said, his voice belying his attempt at appearing casual. That had been interesting.

"Oh, I don't know," Draco had said. "I might even consider a Muggle born if the offer was good enough."

Draco remembered exactly what Harry had looked like when he turned back to face him. Harry's face had turned a most flattering shade of red, and his eyes had glazed over ever so slightly.

Back in the living room of their flat, immersed in memories, Draco's hand made its way down to press against his growing erection. Merlin, he missed Harry so much.

Harry had practically growled when he spoke next. "So what would you consider good enough, Malfoy?"

Draco had been sitting with his legs out straight in front of him, back up against the cold, hard wall. "Oh, I don't know."

He'd hardly had the words out before Harry had crawled - sweet Merlin, he had crawled on hands and knees - towards Draco. Fuck, but Draco couldn't think of anything that could possible look sexier than that. Draco had only just been able to prevent a gasp from escaping.

Draco's hand made its way under the waistband of his trousers, grasping his aching cock, and he began to stroke.

Harry had lifted himself up onto his knees, placed his hands on the wall, either side of Draco's head, and leaned in to whisper in Draco's ear.

Draco choked at the memory as his strokes became more rhythmic.

"Why don't we see if we can find out?" Harry's throaty voice had asked just before claiming Draco's mouth in a soul-searching kiss. Draco had never been kissed like that before. Harry's lips were soft, his tongue demanding, and his hands possessive. Draco was being claimed, marked, owned with that one kiss.

"Harry," he groaned.

"Mmm. You called?" came a familiar voice. Draco's hand stopped, his head lifted off the cushion, and his eyes opened.

"Harry?" he managed to choke out. "You're here?"

"Mm-hmm. Couldn't take it any more. Missed you. Had to come home." Harry grinned while his eyes slowly took in Draco's debauched form.

"I missed you too."

"Yeah, I can see that." Harry chuckled. "Don't let me stop you."

"Get over here." Draco ordered. He didn't need to ask twice. They never made it to the bedroom.

* * * * *

"So, you missed me so much you came home early?" Draco asked once the euphoria had worn off.

"Well …"

"What?" he asked, eyebrow raised.

Harry hung his head sheepishly and grumbled something under his breath.

"What was that? I didn't quite catch what you said."

"I said that I was ordered home and told that I should get laid before I bit one more person's head off unnecessarily."

Draco laughed. "Remind me to thank Kingsley next time I see him, yeah?"

"I already did before I left."

Draco never asked how Harry had managed to upset everyone so much. All he cared about was that Harry never again received assignments that took him away from home for longer than a week.


bday, awdt, bday gift 08, h/d

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