I Resolve (H/D, 14+)

Jan 12, 2008 02:59

Title: I Resolve
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: 14+ (suggestion)
Word Count: 700
Challenges: dracoharry100's prompt #50 - "Resolution," slythindor100's challenge #78 - choose a resolution, harrylovesdraco's challenge #6 - something to do with New Year's, enchanted_jae's January challenge, "I resolve to ___" and my GJ 100_prompts table #70 - "Transformation."
Summary: In an effort to transform the school into Dumbledore's vision and build house unity after the war, Headmistress McGonagall encourages the seventh years to get along.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Harry stared up at the board at the front of the classroom. McGonagall meant well; he knew she did, but this was the last straw. Ever since they returned to the school, she was on a mission to make Dumbledore's wish for a united school come true.

She had rallied the Prefects, the Quidditch captains, and various club leaders, in an attempt to unify everyone. Now he looked up as she smiled at the seventh years gathered for a 'meeting of the minds'.

I resolve to ...

They were each to choose a resolution to bring the houses together.

"Now, everyone listen. I'd like you each to choose a partner from another house. No, no," she said to some couples that were immediately trying to pair up. "No couples. For instance ..." Harry's stomach flipped as she approached him. For Merlin's sake, was she taking Snape's place to use him as a guinea pig now?

She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Mr Potter here and Mr Malfoy from Slytherin have a long history of animosity. If they got along, it would have the most impact on the rest of the school."

"We get along just fine," Harry said.

He realized his mistake as soon as McGonagall smiled and Malfoy raised an eyebrow. "Excellent. That's one pair done!"

"No ... I didn't mean ... if we already get along ..." Harry sputtered.

McGonagall smirked at him. My God, she was channelling Snape! "But the rest of the school does not know that, Mr Potter. Now the two of you can each make a resolution for the year that will contribute to your getting along better."

"Like what?" Malfoy asked.

"Anything you wish," she replied, "but make it something significant, meaningful, and something that will truly reflect a better relationship."

"Do we have to tell everyone what it is?" Harry asked, dreading the answer. All he needed was for Hermione to follow him around relentlessly, asking him if he'd kept his resolution. Well, she'd do that anyway, but she'd be so much more annoying if she actually knew what it was. He had visions of her giving him tips, shoving books under his nose.

"No, Mr Potter, you need not tell anyone. Not even the other person."

He looked over at Malfoy, who was grinning madly. Oh, that can't be good, he thought. If Malfoy's happy, that can't be good.


McGonagall had given them until the end of the week to come up with something, which thankfully gave Harry a few days to think about it. Malfoy, however, hadn't needed the time. As he left the classroom, he had walked right past Harry and whispered in his ear.

"I've got the perfect resolution in mind, Potter. And you're gonna love it. Well ... eventually." He smirked and left the room, leaving Harry with a distinct feeling of foreboding.

He went to bed that night thinking of what Malfoy said, and had difficulty sleeping. And then he had the strangest dream.


Harry awoke confused. While he lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, he'd had thoughts of Malfoy convincing him to take the Dark Mark. Of course, there was no more Dark Mark, so that thought was ridiculous. Then he imagined him convincing Harry to rise up and take Voldemort's place, with Draco at his side. Again, he shook that off as ridiculous.

So, when Harry awoke aroused, the sensation of Malfoy's mouth engulfing his cock so real, he was understandably confused. Horny, yes, but confused nonetheless.

He took a cold shower, but couldn't wash the image from his mind.


Harry spent the whole day doing something familiar - watching Malfoy. Periodically, the Slytherin would look his way, grin maniacally, then walk away. Every time, Harry's mutinous cock responded.

At first it was with a simple twitch. But as the day progressed, Harry found himself more and more aroused. He barely managed to relax from the last smirk when there Malfoy was again!

When he walked up to Harry at dinner and growled - growled in Harry's ear, "Thought of something yet?" the idea came to him.

"Definitely," Harry said, returning the grin.

I resolve to get into Malfoy's pants.


100_prompts, slythindor100, dracoharry100, harrylovesdraco, jae's drabble challenge, h/d

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