Shopping List (H/D drabble, PG)

Dec 13, 2007 02:41

Title: Shopping List
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Challenges: dracoharry100's prompts #45 - "Trifle," #46 - "corn," and #47 - "notepad." Also fits slythindor100's prompt 16 - "Mince Pie" and my GJ 100_prompts table 028 - "Excess."
Summary: Draco wants to make sure Christmas supper is perfect.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Draco scribbled some last-minute items onto his notepad. He and Harry were going to host their first Christmas dinner party this year, and Draco was determined that it would be perfect. Harry had complained that he was going to excess, but really ... that's what Malfoys did.

There was only a handful of things still left to purchase. He shot a scathing look in Harry's direction as he scribbled 'corn' down. Honestly! Who has corn for Christmas supper? Whatever. Carrying on, he checked off mince pie and trifle for pudding. Then shooting Harry an altogether different look, Draco added, "whipped cream."


100_prompts, slythindor100, dracoharry100, h/d

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