There's Always Next Year (H/D, PG)

Dec 12, 2007 12:28

Title: There's Always Next Year
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG
Word Count: 582
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco
Challenge: For estaria's birthday prompt of "Established relationship. cute/cuddly!Draco has a cold, and Harry stays home from work to take care of him." It also fits my GJ 100_prompts table #094 - "Drink."
Summary: Draco has a cold and becomes ... cuddly?
Disclaimer: The author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country. The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Harry awoke to the sound of coughing coming from the bathroom. "You alright, Draco?"

He watched in horror as his boyfriend exited the washroom. His face was flushed, he had dark circles under his eyes, said eyes were red, glossy and puffy, and his shoulders were slouched.

"What's wrong?" Harry exclaimed. Draco never got sick. "Should I take you to St. Mungo's? You look horrible!"

As Draco climbed back into bed without responding, Harry could feel the heat of his skin without even touching it. When he did rest a hand on Draco's red cheek, he wasn't surprised to find it burning. "You've a fever. You should see a mediwitch. Let me --"

Draco curled up against Harry, gripping his pyjama shirt in his fist. "Just a cold," he rasped, then wrapped his quivering legs around Harry's. Harry pulled the duvet over both of them and wrapped Draco in his arms.

"You're warm," he said, squirming in Harry's embrace. "I'm soooo cold," he added, snuggling in even closer. Harry smiled down and kissed the top of his blonde head. Who would have thought that his snarky boyfriend would turn all cute and cuddly when sick? Harry would have expected just the opposite -- a cranky, demanding Draco. Then again, he was demanding most of the time, so perhaps this was a natural transition.

"I would love to hold you in my arms all day," Harry whispered, "but I do have to go to work."

"But you're so warm," Draco said, pulling Harry closer to him and nuzzling his face into Harry's neck. Harry grinned. The prospect of snuggling up with this adorable Draco, even if he was sick, was too good to resist.

After he managed to extricate himself from a once-again sleeping Draco's hold, Harry Floo-called work to say he had to stay home for the day. He prepared some tea, put some chicken soup on for later, and gathered up some Pepper-Up Potion to give Draco when he awoke again.

Harry spent the day snuggled up with Draco in a cocoon of warmth, interrupted only when his boyfriend woke up, had something to drink or some soup, and then went back to sleep. Harry could tell that Draco was on the mend, as his colouring began to return to normal mid-afternoon. That Pepper-Up Potion certainly worked wonders.

Some time later, as Harry was relaxing in front of the telly ...

"Honestly, Harry, what is with this mess in here?" Harry heard Draco call from the bedroom.

He entered the room to find a fully dressed, perfectly healthy looking Draco. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Well, if I didn't have this mess to contend with, I'd be feeling perfectly fine." Harry looked at the pile of clothes, the TV tray, and Draco's lunch dishes piled on it, along with a few errant tissues that he hadn't bothered to pick up when Draco had missed the rubbish bin.

With a wave of Harry's wand, the mess was cleaned up. "There," he said. "Is that better?"

"Much," Draco acknowledged. "But why it took me to say something about it is beyond me!"

Yup, Draco was better. Harry decided to shut his freshly-returned snarky boyfriend up the best way he knew how. He kissed him until they were both breathless.

"You'd better not catch my cold and expect me to take care of you," Draco huffed as he left the room.

Ah, well, Harry thought wistfully, maybe he'll get another cold next year.


bday gift 07, bday, 100_prompts, gift, h/d

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