From the Heart, Part 2 (H/D, R)

Feb 11, 2007 07:40

Title:   From the Heart - part 2
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jae's drabble challenge

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lackofmendacity February 11 2007, 13:24:35 UTC
Everybody say it with me: awwwwww....

No, it wasn't profound poetry *absolutely agrees with Draco* (and do you really pronounce row as rhyming with 'now'? *giggles*) but I guess it's the meaning behind the poem that counts.


sesheta_66 February 11 2007, 13:34:02 UTC
Everybody say it with me: awwwwww....
Imagine, if you will, Seinfeld and insert Elaine's tone .... I KNOW!

No, it wasn't profound poetry *giggles* - Draco only cared about the "I love you" part.

and do you really pronounce row as rhyming with 'now'?
British for fight ... a row ... rhymes with now. Yup. Uh-huh. *nods*


lackofmendacity February 11 2007, 13:51:19 UTC
Damn, and I thought it was just Harry being unable to come up with a suitable rhyme for 'now' *grins*

Okay, so to clarify, you're Canadian and you pronounce 'row' as rhyming with 'now'; I'm from Australia and I pronouce it as in 'Row, row, row your boat' ie. as in 'roe'... unless you say your row during that song too *confused* Out of interest, how do the British say it then?


elleian February 11 2007, 14:26:09 UTC
In Britain we would say 'row' as rhyming with 'now' in the context of an argument, but if you were saying 'row your boat' it would be as in 'roe' :)


lackofmendacity February 11 2007, 14:32:24 UTC
On reflection, perhaps that is what one is supposed to say, so I've been misprouncing 'row' all these years *ponders*

Thanks for the clarication! *hugs*


sesheta_66 February 11 2007, 16:17:24 UTC
I'm Canadian, but my father was Scottish, and my ex-in-laws learned their English in England ... they all said "row" - rhyming with "now".

As a Canadian, I don't use the term at all (except when producing awful poetry, it seems) ... I just figured it fit with this. But you had me worried there!

I've been mispronuncing 'row' all these years *pets* - perhaps it's just the Australian pronunciation?

*hugs to all*


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