From the Heart, Part 2 (H/D, R)

Feb 11, 2007 07:40

Title:   From the Heart - part 2
sesheta_66 and
Word Count:   477
Rating:   R
Challenge:   Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #12 - "Harry couldn't wait to give Draco a romantic _________"
Summary:   Harry, giving up on poetry, decides to prepare a romantic dinner for Draco, for their first Valentine's Day together.
Disclaimer:   HP world belongs to JK Rowling. No money made by me - I am only playing.

A/N:   This is a collaboration with charmed210, who suggested this as a continuation of the original fic, From the Heart.

Harry couldn't wait to give Draco a romantic dinner for their first Valentine's Day together, after his failed attempt at writing poetry. Little did he know that Draco couldn't wait to give him the shagging of his life.

Draco arrived home to find Harry banging away in the kitchen, swearing with colourful brilliance. He snuck in quietly to see what all the commotion was about, to be greeted by the most lovely sight of Harry's arse sticking up in the air while he was reaching for a pot in the cupboard. Draco's trousers tightened at the always welcome sight.

While Harry was busy practically climbing into the cupboard, Draco caught sight of his name on a paper lying on the counter. Well, since it had his name on it, he didn't see any harm in reading it. There were all sorts of words scribbled on the page and scratched out. From what he could make out, it looked like an attempt at writing poetry. Really bad poetry. Then his focus landed on the one part that hadn't been scratched out - the part with his name on it, that had originally drawn his attention:

Draco, I wrote this poem just for you,
To tell you about my feelings so true.
I have fun with you now,
Even when we row,
I just wanted to say ‘I love you’.

Oh. My. God. He loves me? Draco melted on the spot. Sure, it wasn't profound poetry, but he loves me. He let out a small sigh as he went to return the paper back to its original spot.

"What the fuck, Draco? You're not supposed to be here! I'm not nearly ready," Harry said at the realization that Draco had arrived. Then he saw the paper in Draco's hand and he froze. When he looked up at Draco and saw the look he was giving him, his face became a brilliant shade of red.

He tried to look away, but Draco caught him by the arm and spun him around. "I love you too, Harry," he said with a smile, then proceeded to kiss his boyfriend soundly, bending him back over the counter. "And right now," he growled, "I'd like to show you just how much."

Harry relaxed in Draco's embrace, and kissed him back. Turning from the kitchen, they made their way to the bedroom, lips remaining locked all the way down the hall. Their lovemaking that evening was slow and purposeful. They took their time caressing, licking, kissing, losing themselves in the feel, the taste, and the scent of each other. It was like nothing they had experienced before. Draco came first, with Harry only a few strokes behind him. As they lay together on the bed, satiated and content, they exchanged a knowing look, and a soft kiss.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Harry."

"Happy Valentine's Day, Draco."

jae's drabble challenge

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