From the Heart (H/D, PG-13)

Feb 08, 2007 22:04

Title:   From the Heart
Author:   sesheta_66
Word Count:   337
Rating:   PG-13
Challenge:   Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #12 - "Harry couldn't wait to give Draco a romantic _________"
Summary:    Harry really wants to make their first Valentine's Day together special.
Disclaimer:   HP world belongs to JK Rowling. No money made by me - I am only playing.

Harry couldn’t wait to give Draco a romantic poem. Valentine’s Day was just around the corner, and he wanted to do something special for him on their first Valentine’s Day as a couple. Sure, Harry knew he wasn’t a poet. Truth be told, he wasn’t much of a writer at all. But poetry wasn’t about writing, after all - it was about feelings, right? And he had plenty of those. Besides, Draco will love it just because it is from him. Harry was sure of that. OK, here we go …

Draco, your hair is the colour of snow,
It must be hard work to make it just so.

Um … maybe not.  Let’s try that again …

Draco, your skin is pale as can be,
Except when you’re squirming underneath me.

Well … er … no.  That’s not very romantic.  True, maybe, but not romantic.

Draco, who would have thought we’d ever be an ‘us‘?
What rhymes with ‘us’? Bus …cuss … fuss … muss … oh, forget that.

There once was a wizard named Draco,
Who … cake-o? fake-oh? Jake-oh?

(mmmm Jake Gyllinhaal … mmm). Uh …nope.

Draco, I wrote this poem just for you,
To tell you about my feelings so true.
I have fun with you now,
Even when we row,
I just wanted to say ‘I love you’.

Merlin, is that the best I can do? I sound like a bloody girl! Worse, I sound like a lovesick girl that can’t write to save her life. Draco will laugh his arse off at that one! Maybe poetry really is about writing. I really am shite at this stuff. Better think of something else, then.

Harry couldn’t wait to give Draco a romantic dinner. Yes, that was much better. And just to be safe, he would enlisted Dobby’s help. Since he used to work for the Malfoys, he knew all of Draco’s favourites. He would be so grateful, Harry could imagine what fun they'd have after dinner ...

Oh, yes, Harry couldn’t wait …

A/N:  I really did try to write something serious, fluffy and romantic, but it just wouldn't come.  Then my twisted plot bunny jumped into action.  Heh.

jae's drabble challenge

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