The Eye of the Storm (H/D drabble, G)

Feb 07, 2007 00:27

Title:   The Eye of the Storm
Team:   Aurors
Word Count:   100
Rating:   G
Challenge:   Leaving Home for 
dracoharry100 and Rain for
Disclaimer:   HP world belongs to JK Rowling. No money made by me - I am only playing.

Harry stepped out into the world, no longer an underage wizard. It was raining outside. How appropriate.

He supposed that he should be feeling joy, relief, a sense of accomplishment. But he felt none of those things. For the first time in his life he was free. But was he really? No, he definitely wasn’t.

Now was his real test. Perhaps life with the Dursleys actually helped prepare him for this. He was used to being alone, and now, heading out into the rain, he thought of Draco and how he must feel, going into the eye of another storm.

hd_angst, angst, dracoharry100, h/d

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