A Slip of the Tongue (H/D, PG)

Oct 20, 2007 22:42

Title: A Slip of the Tongue
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~ 500
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco, Pansy, Blaise
Challenge: A fic for Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge of "I can do something truly disgusting with my tongue." It also fits this week's dracoharry100's challenge of "amazement."
Summary: Harry overhears something he wasn't meant to.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

"I can do something truly disgusting with my tongue," Draco announced at the Slytherin table.

"Oh, really?" Harry said from behind him, causing him to jump. "This I'd like to see."

"Oh, and Draco would love to show you, wouldn't you, Draco?" Pansy cooed. She was amazed that Draco hadn't launched himself at her, but she supposed that would have given him away. As it was, she sat back enjoying the view of his cheeks flushing.

Draco had had a thing for Potter since he saved him from the Fiendfyre. At least that's what he had told Pansy last month.

She knew he hadn't told anyone else. Truth be told, he wouldn't have entrusted it to her either if she hadn't caught him at a weak moment. She'd thrown caution to the wind, asking him how long he'd had a thing for Potter.

He had looked shocked as he blurted out, "How did you --" before realizing his mistake. Amazed that she had finally managed to outsmart him once in her life, she had not let up, threatening to tell Potter himself, if he didn't fess up. She had promised not to tell. But she hadn't promised not to hint.

"I'm truly amazed that you would lower yourself to come over to the Slytherin table, Oh Great One, Our Chosen Hero." He mocked bowing to royalty.

Pansy knew it was a cover to hide his pink cheeks, and avoid addressing her little comment. She let it slide.

"Oh, come now, Draco. Surely you don't still hold true to the whole House rivalry thing. The war is over. We're all one big happy family now, aren't we?"

Pansy nearly wet herself as Potter put his arm around Draco, and he fought not to react. She winked at Potter who grinned back.

"See? Even Parkinson knows. Amazing as this may sound, we're all in this together now. Our final year, leaders of the school, survivors of the war. Besides, I think you're stalling. What is this disgusting thing you can do with your tongue anyway?"

"Oh, Potter, you have no idea what I can do with my tongue."

Pansy choked on her drink. She looked at Draco's face. He wouldn't!

No sooner had the thought entered her mind than Draco grabbed Potter by the back of the neck and pulled him into a kiss that practically melted her panties on the spot.

Potter didn't flinch. In fact, he didn't seem to lose any time pulling Draco up to his full height, and pressing their bodies together. He had wrapped his arms around Draco's back, and was running one hand through his hair, while his tongue was enthusiastically exploring Draco's mouth, by the looks of things.

Amazed that they seemed to have forgotten where they were, Pansy adjusted her position to get a better view of the proceedings.

When they finally broke the kiss, they looked at each other, apparently realizing what they'd done.

"You're right, Draco," Blaise spoke up. "That was disgusting."

dracoharry100, jae's drabble challenge, h/d

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