Dec 30, 2011 20:31
Last night, I had a dream. I was by the ocean. Next to the ocean was a shrine (or so I told myself in my dream). It was an odd shape. It was tall, like 5 stories tall. It was round, and almost conical shape. There were hundreds of stairs leading from the beach to the top. They were made of a black stone. Everywhere else on this cone was this light grey stone. At the top, there was a shrine made of wood. Beneath the shrine, and above all of the rock, there was sand. I remember sitting on the wooden floor, and dangling my feet over (something I would never do in real life. Too scared of heights). The guy who ran the place told me not to touch the sand. AKA not to destroy or mess up his sand.
I don't really remember what the shrine itself was like. It, too, was circular. I think it had something in the middle- maybe a bell. There was a canopy of some kind, to protect from the elements, perhaps. After I had been there for a while, the Main Guy, an assistant and I were walking around back- away from the ocean. I turn to look over, and the sun is blazing- sunset. The waves start to crest up. The water was higher than where the sun was- you could see the light through the waves. It was such a vivid appearance. There was a plane that was coming our direction, some little puddle jumper. The wave nearly clipped it- but the plane did make it through, coming right over us and continuing on. I continued to watch these waves. They got larger and larger. Rivaling where we were in height. I remember as this was going on, that I needed to remember this dream. As the waves got even higher, I was thinking something... repeating something. But I can't remember what. Suddenly, the light goes out, the waves crash over us, and I completely black out.
Next thing I see, I'm sitting in this shrine, floating on the water. I look out to see the conical base sans the wood topper on the beach. There are people looking for us.
I'm not really sure what this dream means. It reminds me of another dream I had- where I was in a dated house, from the 20's or so. I was with a black family, we lived in the middle of farmland. Suddenly, waves over took us, and we were holding onto the house to survive. It's very similar to that. The waves in both dreams were very very vivid. But this time, the coloration was different. I usually take waves and water to be emotions. So that emotions are overtaking me (and perhaps those around me). The sand is interesting, because it's a purifier. Normally, they say not to build things on sand (because of it's unstable nature), however in this case- it's possible that the sand saved us. Had the shrine been attached to the base, we would have all been sucked out of the structure and drug out to sea. The fact that it's a shrine also seems important somehow, though I'm not sure what.
As always, any thoughts or ideas is welcome.
I hope you guys don't mind me talking about my health, but I wanted to have a place to post my hypnotherapy stuff. I want to keep track of my progress somewhere, and here is as good a place as any.
Some of you may remember me discussing my health issues a year back. Well, they're still around, and I've been working with non-conventional ways to get rid of them (read: not a Western medicine doctor). My current doctor feels that acupuncture isn't working, and recommended that I try the hypnotherapy for a bit. So here I am. Today I had my first session and I really really feel that this is in line with what O would want me to do. I almost feel that his work is almost too much for me to do by myself- and that working through this stuff with a helper is my best bet. So that is what I'm aiming to do.
Today we discussed a plethora of things. My relationship, my lack of social life, my religious practices, my food problems. And of course, my stress. I apparently need to learn to love myself more and I need to change my perceptions of my life and how others view me. I always feel out of place, like no one likes me. I always feel like I'm the square peg in the round hole. If what I'm understanding from her, it's just that I've met round people, not square people (for the most part). That there is nothing wrong with me for being me, and that I need to accept that somehow.
I imagine this will take a lot of work, but I'm willing to go the long haul if it helps me overall. I need to figure this stuff out, because it's not going to go away on its own. So I look forward to whatever this might bring.
Today's hypnosis dealt with self love. In the hypnosis, she talked about seeing my inner love, my inner self. And giving this inner love and self... useless stuff, bad stuff- and letting my inner loving me purify it (you're not supposed to focus heavily on what she says... so it's a bit furry). I remember standing across from a me... I remember me having hakama on, of all things; along with a sword and a high pony tail (I would have sworn I fell out of Kenshin). The other me had long, blonde hair. There was glowing light, and I couldn't see much. I remember giving her.. stuff. I remember one of my things was wrapped like a present. After I'd give her things, she'd have me flip my hands over, she'd hold onto them, and I'd glow. It was really weird.
So yes, that's it for now. I'll try and post these visits as I have them, so that I have a record of them. They'll be getting their own Hypnosis tag.