Oct 19, 2011 20:16
For the first time in who knows how long, I did a ritual. Last night I had the room to myself, as my s.o. was meditating in the other room. I had brought a McDonalds cookie and a bottle of water with me. I sat there, trying to figure out what I was going to do with my time, and I saw my statues sitting on the table. The more I thought about it, the more I decided now was as good of a time as any to sit with them.
My ritual wasn't formal or anything. I washed my hands and face and sat down in front of the table. I did my best to break my cookie evenly and placed a half in front of each statue. I then placed the water in btwn both. I really didn't do much else. I gave them a ka embrace and offered the food. Told them what was up and thanked them for being patient with me.
Afterwards I took up the cookie halves and I swear I could feel them watching me... seeing who's half I'd eat first. So I put the halves back together and took a big bite into both pieces at once- thinking I'd outsmarted them. Well no. You could hear O tell S that "She ate more of my half than yours".
Always have to have the last word :P
Things I noted while doing my ritual:
I had a hard time not doing Shinto based stuff. Clapping. Bowing. Things like that. I didn't think that my Shinto practices had seeped in that much (haven't been doing them regularly) but apparently they have.
Speaking of things that seep in, I'm noticing that practicing kitsuke (dressing in kimono) has affected the way I act and behave. It helps me to tap into my dark side- my O side. It'll be interesting to see how this progresses in the future. If it helps me to bring the two halves closer.
After doing ritual once, I want to do more. Again. It's like a damned drug. I do one, I NEED MOAR!!!! I'm not sure where ritual needs to fall on my priority list at the moment, however. I told them both that if they need me to make it a higher priority to smack me and I will. No smacks yet.
I guess we shall see what the future holds.