IC/OOC: Voicemail || Prayer

Sep 05, 2029 18:13

✝ Voicemail ✝

"You've reached Michael, leave a message if it's important."

ic: voicemail ✝ text ✝ voice ✝ video ✝ prayer

[NOTE: Please indicate if it's OOC or IC please.]

!ic, !ooc, voicemail, prayer

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IC | prayer | HoA roof paterelohim October 24 2011, 04:05:55 UTC
Sh'ma Yisra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad.

Michael? [Now that He's sure he's listening.] Can I talk to you?


Action servingfather October 24 2011, 04:20:34 UTC
[It only takes a few seconds for Michael to answer the summons. When he does appear on the roof it's rather close to the prophet.]

You called?


Action paterelohim October 24 2011, 04:24:35 UTC
Ah- yeah. [Wow damn that was fast nngh.] I can't believe I still remember the Shema.

So- yeah. Um. I kind of have something to ask you.

[What to do, what to do. There's Erik and Fred, but Erik - Michael? fuck - probably found another way to protect himself. Fred is more pressing.]

I need help, and I think you might be the only person who can help me.


Action servingfather October 24 2011, 04:33:18 UTC
You really should brush up if you're going to use it to call angels. Though I do know how to work 'voicemail'.

[He waits as Chuck seems to have some kind of mental debate with himself and he looks thoroughly intrigued by the statement that only he can help. Very few would willingly ask Lucifer for help, Gabriel was probably still by the girl's side, Anna and Cas were powerless so it was possibly that Michael was the only person able to help at the moment.]

What kind of help do you need?


Action | lol dat icon paterelohim October 24 2011, 04:38:13 UTC
[Just ignoring the Shema insult. He knows (is pretty sure) that he did that one line just fine- it's the rest of it he's rusty on. Okay. Yeah. Sure.]

My g- my girlfriend's memories have been messed with.


Action | it's awesome XD servingfather October 24 2011, 04:43:39 UTC
[Sure it was right but there was a whole lot more than just one line. Michael isn't concerned about Chuck having a girlfriend seeing as how it wasn't the first but the guy was asking a pretty big favor (to humans anyway as it's simple to the angel) for her sake.]

You want them fixed. [It wasn't a question, more of a statement.]


Action paterelohim October 24 2011, 04:56:40 UTC

[See, Chuck can be humble. Look at how humble he is.]

She just found out that there's a lot she can't remember. She wants them back.


Action servingfather October 24 2011, 05:03:07 UTC
She's sure she wants them back?

[Michael looks very serious about this. If she can't remember them then how could anyone be sure they wanted them. The memories could tear a human's fragile mind apart.]


Action paterelohim October 24 2011, 05:11:40 UTC
Well- yeah. She feels completely violated by it.

[And Chuck promised.]


Action servingfather October 24 2011, 05:17:23 UTC
[Well of course she does. Humans apparently don't like it when you mess around inside their heads and fiddle with stuff.]

It could be dangerous to unlock memories we know nothing about but if she's sure then if I don't then she'll just find another way.

[At least Michael would be nice enough to take a peek to make sure they weren't absolutely mind-shattering memories.]


Action paterelohim October 24 2011, 05:24:02 UTC
Yeah. She will- she's really determined about this.

[Biting his lip.]

So... is that a yes?


Action servingfather October 24 2011, 05:29:49 UTC
[There's a moment of debate. Michael could just leave her to whoever else she might find because it's not his concern to look after a prophet's girlfriend but lately that very prophet was getting himself into trouble for the sake of other people. It was the better choice to do it himself.]

It's a yes. I suppose she wants this done as soon as possible?


Action paterelohim October 24 2011, 05:39:24 UTC
[Chuck sags into the crutches in relief.]

Thank you.


Yeah, I guess so.


Action servingfather October 24 2011, 05:43:26 UTC
Shall we pay her a visit or would you like to call her to invite her over? [Even if she's got Enochian sigils to keep out angels Michael can still stand around outside.]


Action paterelohim October 24 2011, 05:54:00 UTC
Ah... we can visit, I guess.

[He's about to say he should call her first, but, you know. The words are slow coming out and time's a-wasting.]


Action servingfather October 24 2011, 05:57:50 UTC
[Michael moves closer, close enough to put two fingers on Chuck's forehead and in an instant they're gone from the roof and appearing damn close to where Fred is situated at this time. He'll hold back so the prophet can tell the girl what's going on.]


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