IC/OOC: Voicemail || Prayer

Sep 05, 2029 18:13

✝ Voicemail ✝

"You've reached Michael, leave a message if it's important."

ic: voicemail ✝ text ✝ voice ✝ video ✝ prayer

[NOTE: Please indicate if it's OOC or IC please.]

!ic, !ooc, voicemail, prayer

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Comments 76

OOC: makes_asteroids September 23 2011, 05:19:26 UTC
Hey, I'd love to plot with you but I haven't seen you on AIM. I'm komikbookgeek if you want to hit me up when you are on (When I'm at work I'm under invis because my phone is...IDEK...so even if I'm 'offline' send me a message because I MIGHT be there.)


OOC servingfather September 26 2011, 17:55:54 UTC
Yeah sorry 'bout that, I've been away the last few days. I'll be on all day today so just hit me up whenever you've got time.


Re: OOC makes_asteroids October 11 2011, 02:01:37 UTC

Up for Michael to run into Mags on the roof, the night of Chuck's hoverchair post?


OOC servingfather October 11 2011, 02:02:49 UTC
Sure! Log?


IC | prayer refrigeratormom October 1 2011, 04:40:32 UTC
[Awkwardsauce. :| ]

A-Archangel Michael, wherever you are... you know this isn't easy for me, but I need- I need to talk to you. Please.



IC | ACTION servingfather October 1 2011, 04:43:47 UTC
[Don't mind the angel wearing your husband just popping in with a fluttering sound, Mary. His hands are in his pockets.]

What can I do for you?


refrigeratormom October 1 2011, 05:16:36 UTC
[As long as you don't mind your vessel's wife startling and giving you a look like you personally killed her puppy. She's still kneeling by her bed, but gets up slowly, intent gaze never once leaving him.]

You came. [Sitting on the bed and swallowing hard.] I don't really remember what I wanted to ask you. I just need... something, and going to church doesn't really work anymore.


servingfather October 1 2011, 05:22:05 UTC
[Why would he mind? It's better than a look like he just killed her son seeing as how Mary loves them more than she'd love an animal. He doesn't move, merely stands there to not encroach on her space further than he already has.]

I'll always come when you need me, Mary. [John would never forgive him if he didn't.] Are you seeking answers or perhaps forgiveness?


IC | prayer | HoA roof paterelohim October 24 2011, 04:05:55 UTC
Sh'ma Yisra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad.

Michael? [Now that He's sure he's listening.] Can I talk to you?


Action servingfather October 24 2011, 04:20:34 UTC
[It only takes a few seconds for Michael to answer the summons. When he does appear on the roof it's rather close to the prophet.]

You called?


Action paterelohim October 24 2011, 04:24:35 UTC
Ah- yeah. [Wow damn that was fast nngh.] I can't believe I still remember the Shema.

So- yeah. Um. I kind of have something to ask you.

[What to do, what to do. There's Erik and Fred, but Erik - Michael? fuck - probably found another way to protect himself. Fred is more pressing.]

I need help, and I think you might be the only person who can help me.


Action servingfather October 24 2011, 04:33:18 UTC
You really should brush up if you're going to use it to call angels. Though I do know how to work 'voicemail'.

[He waits as Chuck seems to have some kind of mental debate with himself and he looks thoroughly intrigued by the statement that only he can help. Very few would willingly ask Lucifer for help, Gabriel was probably still by the girl's side, Anna and Cas were powerless so it was possibly that Michael was the only person able to help at the moment.]

What kind of help do you need?


IC | the morning after the masq~ paterelohim November 8 2011, 19:33:12 UTC
Miiiichaaeeel. Wake up, Lindsey Lohan. How hungover are you?


IC | that's it, I'm getting another Dad. :\ servingfather November 8 2011, 19:46:17 UTC
[Silent groan. Chuck, he is so thinking about ending you.]

Enough that I'm contemplating how I'd like to silence you permanently. [Typical hungover response.]


IC | son, one day all of this Añejo will be yours. :| paterelohim November 8 2011, 19:49:41 UTC
The house isn't you-proofed anymore. Get over here and I can help.


In Person | no thanks. I'm going to go find Morgan Freeman!God and ask to be his son. servingfather November 8 2011, 20:18:28 UTC
[It takes him longer than it normally would because he has to pry himself from his couch but there he is, appearing in Chuck's apartment looking a little less than perfect.]

So you have some miracle-like cure?


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