Player Information
Name: Xae
Age: 26
AIM SN: skyofreverie
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yep!
Currently Played Characters: None
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Character Information
Canon Source: Supernatural
Canon Format: Television show
Character's Name: Archangel Michael, Saint Michael the Archangel, Supreme Commander of the Hosts, Viceroy of Heaven
Character's Age: Michael was the first archangel to be created and is thus older than the human race and all of his siblings. His vessel - John - is in his early 20s
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. N/A
What form will your character's NV take?
An old ornate book. It looks as though the spine might fall off at any minute or the pages might come loose but it's actually very sturdy. When opened it looks like a netbook.
Character's Canon Abilities:
In Supernatural canon Michael is the third most powerful creature in the universe (at least until Season 6) so I'll break it down for you.
Superhuman Strength - Even while in the body of an average human, Michael possesses a strength that's unlike anything seen on Earth. He can easily toss someone around in a fight, including other angels and deities (except God).
Telekinesis/Pyrokinseis - Michael can make things move with a mere thought, this can be something small like a screw or large like a vehicle. The archangel can also inflict internal bodily harm like removing an organ or causing cancer. He can also ignite anything just by touching it.
Teleportation - Like all the other angels Michael can "appear" just about anywhere. Sometimes it's accompanied with a fluttering sound even though their wings aren't visible to a human. If a place has an Enochian Sigil painted on it he can't enter the building. He's also capable of teleporting other people with him.
Telepathy - This ability allows him to "hear" what people are thinking, it gives him a good look into someone's thoughts or even their past if they don't have good enough defenses. Castiel was able to see what Dean was thinking about being raised from the dead just by looking into his eyes for a moment. Not only does it allow him to hear thoughts but he can also see people's pasts, know their story about how they ended up the way they are. Only used with permission.
Invisibility - He can also choose to be invisible to an average human and just hang around to watch a conversation.
Healing - It doesn't matter if someone has just a scratch of if they're near death, he can heal it up. This also goes for his own human vessel, which means most weapons are ineffective on him. In fact, only three types of beings can harm Michael - another archangel, God and Death.
Immortality - As long as Michael keeps his head down and stays out of trouble he'll never age and never die until the End of Everything. He doesn't need food, water, or even sleep. He's immune to diseases or prolonged symptoms unless he's taken a vessel that's not a predestined one. If he does then the body will decay from the sheer power of the archangel. Also, it takes a whole liquor store to get an angel drunk.
Exorcism/Banishing - Being the oldest and highest angel in all of Creation Michael is capable of not only exorcising demons but also other angels. All he has to do is touch their heads in order to accomplish this. It doesn't really work on other archangels though. Demons die in a brilliant white light while angels turn red and practically burn from the inside-out. He can also banish angels with the snap of his fingers though it's doubtful that it works on other archangels.
Resurrection - He can resurrect dead people if he wishes. Usually it's easier if the soul ended up in Heaven seeing as how it would take a garrison of angels to retrieve it from hell. Though he can raise a body without the soul. Only used with mun permission.
Supernatural Perception - Michael's capable of seeing all sorts of supernatural beasties when they're invisible. This generally pertains to Reapers, Hellhounds, spirits, ghosts, demons, souls, and lesser gods. He cannot however, find his own Father if He wants to hide from them.
Dream Walking - This is when he speaks to someone through their dreams. A physical form is planted into someone's mind and allows him to talk to someone that way. He can also manipulate dreams to whatever he wants.
"Angel Radio" - A frequency that angels seem to communicate on that most people can't even hear. Though an angel that had their Grace ripped out is capable of tuning in.
Memory Manipulation - Michael is capable of wiping memories of events from someone's mind and replace them with something completely different. He can also replace them.
Time Travel/Parallel Worlds - The ability to move backwards and forwards through time. He doesn't do it very often because even with the power of Heaven at his disposal it can be very draining. Taking others along with him could be fatal. Michael could also stir up a spell to send someone into a parallel universe. He won't do any of this in Port.
Prophet Knowledge - All of the names of the prophets have been seared into his memory and it's up to him and Raphael to protect them from anything that might harm them.
Holy White Light/True Form/Voice - This power can allow him to completely obliterate buildings and beings. Most of the time it happens when he's in his True Form and gets too close to humans, it can burn out their eyes or destroy them. His voice doesn't sound like much to anyone but another angel and can be rather deadly if heard as it causes glass to break and other things to rupture.
Angelic Possession - If he wants to interact with the people of the Earth Michael has take over a human body although there are quite a few limitations put on it. Because he's one of the four archangels it has to be a predestined vessel or the body will rot away as it can't contain the power (apparently Michael and Lucifer must have Kain and Abel's descendants). But all angels must have permission to take over a body, they can't just hop in all willy-nilly like those pesky demons.
Superhuman Intelligence - As old as he is Michael knows quite a lot about the world and the universe. He may also know someone's name before they've even told it to him.
Viceroy of Heaven - This basically allows him to take control of Heaven in God's absence. Which of course he won't be able to get to in Port.
Supreme Commander Of the Heavenly Hosts - Michael is mostly still top dog around the place even if God is in Heaven. He has control over God's Army in times of war.
Michael is not without his weaknesses though.
Holy Oil - A special oil from Jerusalem that can be used to trap angels by getting them inside the circle and lighting it on fire. They can't step outside of it and even their power is diminished but not completely sapped. It can also be mixed in a bottle and thrown to cause not only immense pain but also to send him far away.
Banishing Sigils - This is made from blood and can be used to banish an angel from a room, but it doesn't last forever.
Angelic Exorcism - An ancient exorcism not well-known but this can cast an angel out of its host.
Enochian Sigils - These can be used to hide not only a location from an angel but also individual people by carving it into their ribs.
Archangel's Blade - Now human and demons weapons are useless against all angels, and only an angel's blade can kill an angel but Michael is above them on the "food chain". An angel's blade won't kill him, though it will do some damage. Only another archangel's blade can kill him. It's also said that only another archangel can harm him without a weapon.
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? N/A
Archangel's blade History/Personality/Plans/etc.
Character History:
One about his very distant history and
two about his current situationPoint in Canon: Episode 5.13, just before he sends Dean and Sam back to their time and gives John his body back.
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A
Character Personality:
Michael is first and foremost a dutiful and loyal son. Back in the beginning when God asked them all to love the humans more than Him Michael was the first to bow down. When Lucifer came to him and asked him to go against God not only did he refuse but he also told their Father. The fights broke out then and when God told Michael to cast his brother out he did it without question. To this day Michael follows his Father's plan, watching over the humans and Heaven when he easily could have refused when God left Heaven. He hangs on to the last orders he was given and the prophecy to bring peace to the world. Even though Raphael thought God was dead with His continued absence Michael still believes He's alive out there somewhere.
The love he has for God is so great that the eldest son will do anything without questioning it. Yet it’s become something twisted and wrong over the years ever since God left Heaven. Michael is firmly sticking to the Plan to fight his brother and win the Earth from him. He believes that it’s what his Father wants and that twisted love for humanity does not help matters. For years he’s watched them wage wars and denounce his Father’s word but since he was ordered to love them more than God it’s like torture to him. He just wants to end it all and give the worthy ones a life of peace for all eternity.
He's also an older brother. Once a long time ago he was very close with Lucifer, they shared everything and his younger brother even confided in him about his dislike of the humans. At that point Michael felt betrayed and their family has never really been the same since then. Gabriel left them because of the fighting which only twisted the knife Lucifer had plunged into his heart. Over the years with the betrayals and abandonment of his family love has become something cruel and twisted in his eyes but he still wants all of his siblings to live a life without sorrow and pain. This is part of what drives him to bring on the apocalypse, but only a small fraction of it. Deep down Michael blames Lucifer for ripping their family apart and wishes to destroy him. That blame often conflicts with his love seeing as how Lucifer wasn't just Father's favorite. A few millenia of torture in the cage and he kind of wants to show a bit of compassion and put his brother out of misery once and for all.
Yet at the same time Michael wouldn't hesitate to have fun with his siblings. While he often demands their respect and obedience it doesn't mean he can't have polite conversations or even joke around with them. Now he doesn't generally hang around with all of his siblings but the ones he does talk to - especially the archangels - get to see a side of him that others might not. Since Raphael is the only archangel he's seen since just after Creation he's the one who gets to see Michael's weariness and hear most of his confessions. Yet he doesn't always share everything and sometimes prefer to bottle things up.
Like any angel Michael has doubts about things, though he's hesitant to voice most of them because that would solidify them in his heart. He feels that if he starts questioning God's actions and words now then he'd have to question them all the way back to Creation. No, he's still got faith that this is all part of some greater Plan. Most of the time people see Michael the Viceroy of Heaven as something cold and distant from the rest of his family and well, he is. He won’t hesitate to end an angel’s life because they’ve gone against the Plan and he’s even been known to send angels to “jail” so they can learn lessons the hard way. It’s not strange to see that he’s far stricter with his siblings than anyone else because they come third on the list of people to love. Over the years both Michael and Raphael have raised their siblings to be emotionless warriors as they know the pain that loss brings. Not only that but they've been lying to most of them about God's absence and don't seem to feel a lot of remorse about it. While Raphael believes their Father is dead, Michael does not hold the same belief.
When people see Michael in the Bible they often call him kind and merciful and a lot of the time he sees himself that way too. Sometimes it’s a very pompous act, especially when he feels the need to point it out. It showed when he told Dean that he wouldn’t leave him a drooling mess when Michael was done using his body as a vessel. It’s all because of the role they’ve painted him to be. To humans casting Lucifer out of Heaven and tossing him into Hell makes him some sort of hero and savior. Really he’s just a warrior and always has been. Not only is he capable of handing down tactical military orders but he’s a fighter too and a rather cocky one at that. It’s shown in the way he holds himself against an enemy. Michael doesn’t show any ounce of fear when faced with an opponent, not even his closest brother. He’s very sure of his abilities and that there aren’t many who can beat him.
Now just because he loves the human race more than anything it doesn’t mean he doesn’t look down at them. A lot of the time they’re imperfect beings that can be used as chess pieces in the grand scheme of things. In fact he very firmly believes that they all have some sort of destiny and roles to play. Anyone who says different only makes him very angry. He’s very stubborn on the fact that they should all play out the parts they’ve been written and he’s not above manipulating people to get it. While Michael tries not to lie it doesn’t mean he’ll always give people the full truth about a situation. For years he and Raphael hid God’s disappearance and even that they were allowing the demons to break the Seals on Lucifer’s cage.
Conditional: Personality development in previous game: N/A
Character Plans: For Michael Siren's Port would basically be a vacation for him. There's no Heaven for him to run and God's big Plan has sort of been derailed with his arrival but that doesn't mean he doesn't have anything to do. He'll probably spend his time watching over the people as best as he can and maybe have some 'family time' with his siblings since he won't really be out to get them. Mostly he'll be keeping watch over Lucifer seeing as how it's kind of his job. There may be times when he helps his brother and others when he stands against him. And Michael is very curious about the two companies and might work to bring them down.
Matt Cohen